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建班之初,如何快速稳定班级局面,帮助学生进入角色?我的经验是:开展行之有效的班级活动。一、破冰活动:认识你的新伙伴新班组建有三难:学生不认识老师,老师不认识学生,学生不认识同学。在开学第一天,面对新班级、新同学、新老师,许多孩子会陷入不知所措的尴尬境地。为此,许多班主任采取让学 At the beginning of building class, how to quickly stabilize the class situation to help students enter the role? My experience is: to carry out effective class activities. First, the ice breaking activities: Meet your new partner Founding three difficulties: the students do not know the teacher, the teacher does not know the students, students do not know classmates. On the first day of school, in the face of new classes, new classmates and new teachers, many children find themselves in embarrassment. To this end, many class teachers to learn
A simple and efficient method for the iodination of aromatic compounds has been achieved in the presence of iodine and 1,4- bis(triphenylphosphonium)-2-butene p
目的探讨半胱氨酰白三烯受体1(Cys LTsR1)拮抗剂孟鲁司特对肠缺血再灌注(I/R)损伤的保护作用。方法大鼠肠I/R模型,大鼠随机分为假手术组、模型组、孟鲁司特(2 mg·kg-1体重)
目的调查分析2011—2014年东营市人民医院门诊麻醉药品的应用情况及趋势,为麻醉药品的科学管理和合理应用提供参考。方法采用回顾性方法,对4 526张门诊麻醉处方的用药数量、
古老的皂角树往往勾起儿时的回忆。人们不但用皂角洗涤尘垢,而且在它那巨大的树冠下演绎着无数人间童话。随着现代化的进程 Gleditsia ancient tree often recalled childho
片名:第九区Distric 9导演:沙尔托·科普雷主演:尼尔·布洛姆坎普上映日期:2009年11月26日(中国)始终有种强烈的怀疑:在这个人性容易被随意毁弃的时代,如何再畅谈那些发自于
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英语教学中,怎样转化差生,是一个很重要的方法问题。研究差生的特点,采取相应的对策,是转变差生的关键。 English teaching, how to transform poor students, is a very im