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水罐子病是紫玫瑰香葡萄的一种非传染性的生理病害,常因此病引起严重落果,減产达20—45%。典型病穗的外部症状是,果粒着色不正、红而不紫,果柄与果粒处产生离层而脫落,病粒易感染白腐病,促使腐烂脫落。其內部病变則是。果肉与果皮很易脫离成水糊状,用手輕捏即有水滴出,糖度降低,酸淡无味,相对水分增多。水罐子病一般从7月下旬至8月上旬逐日增加,8月上旬达最高峰,以后逐漸平稳。发病至落果的时間不一,初发病的为五至七天,发病迟的时間相对縮短,所以在8月上旬发病的果粒落果最多最快。据观察,当温度在摄氏二十五度以上、相对湿度在85%以上,病害就有可能急驟上升。在此溫湿度范围內,发病率又取决于降雨天数及降雨量多少,連續阴雨則能酿成严重病害。如1963年8月1日至5日連續降雨五天,五天降雨量达二百三十六点九毫米,发病率則由原来的2%上升到21%。土壤含 Jug’s disease is a non-contagious physiological disease of purple-grapes, which often causes serious fruit drop and reduces the yield by 20-45%. The typical symptoms of the outer ear symptoms are, fruit color is not correct, red and purple, fruit stalks and fruit at the separation and shedding, susceptible to white rot disease, to promote decay. The internal lesion is. Pulp and peel is easily separated from the water paste, lightly squeezed by hand that is, the drop of sugar, acid light and tasteless, the relative increase in water. Jug’s disease generally increases daily from late July to early August, reaching the peak in early August and gradually stabilizing thereafter. The onset of the fall to the different times, the initial onset of five to seven days, the relative delay in the onset of time, so in early August the incidence of fruit falling most quickly. It is observed that when the temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius and the relative humidity is above 85%, the disease may rise sharply. In this temperature and humidity range, the incidence depends on the number of rainfall days and the amount of rainfall, continuous rainy season can lead to serious diseases. For example, there was a continuous rainfall of five days from August 1 to August 1963, a rainfall of 236.9 millimeters on five days, and an increase of incidence from 2% to 21%. Soil containing
本文系应用苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis var.thuringiensis)粉制剂防治马尾松毛虫(Dendrolimus Punctatus Walk.)的试验结果,试验表明此菌的致病力高,防治效果好,大有
橡胶树季风落叶病和茎部顶死都是由Phytophthora palmivora 这种疫霉菌所引起的。在锡兰,受这种真菌侵染的其他经济作物还有可可、椰子、面包果、槟榔,木瓜等。一、病原菌病
各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位:现将《广州市2005年政府集中采购目录及采购限额标准》印发给你们,请遵照执行。广州市人民政府二○○四年十月二十九日 All district
自从学习了那篇著名的《谏逐客书》,我们对李斯的印象就是正直的、充满才华的为国效力者。确实,李斯由于得到秦始皇的赏识,官运亨通,至秦国丞相一职。也做了一些实事,而且对自己有清醒的认知。可是,秦始皇死后,他却出现了人生最大的败笔。  那是秦始皇刚死之时,宦官赵高正进行阴谋活动,他曾是胡亥的老师,极力想让胡亥称帝,他就可以大权在握了。唯一需要注意拉拢的是李斯,所以他就想方设法争取李斯也同意胡亥上台。赵高
近年来我国对稻瘟病的发生和防治作了不少的试验研究工作,在生产上起了一定作用。但也有一些问题,值得探讨和研究。 关于病斑类型对预测预报及防治的问题 In recent years,