
来源 :葡萄科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuswe
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玫瑰香葡萄以高产优质而受欢迎,其浆果含糖量高,香味浓,是生食的佳品。但管理不当,果穗松散,果粒大小不整齐,着色差是其美中不足。七五年耿,我们在平度县龙山公社张戈庄大队发现大粒少核玫瑰香芽变。其果穗果粒显著增大,果粒整齐。七六年嫁接在龙眼成年树上,第二年植株开始结果。同年九月三日至四日,在平度县召开了 Grapevine is popular for its high yield and good quality. Its berry has high sugar content and rich aroma, making it an excellent product for raw food. However, improper management, loose ears, fruit size is not regular, the color difference is the fly in the ointment. Geng seventy-five years, we Pingdu County Longshan commune Zhang Ge Zhuang Brigade found a large grain less nuclear rose buds change. The ear fruit significantly increased, neat fruit. Seven or six years in the longan tree grafted, the second year the plant started the result. September 3 to 4 the same year, held in Pingdu County
  By the famous Mather-Yau theorem,a complex hypersur-face germ V with isolated singularity is completely determined by its moduli algebra A(V).The proof of t