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一、引言 近年来,对处于原始淬火状态的非晶态Zr基合金超导电性及结构变化的影响进行了广泛的理论和实验研究,并且已获得不少规律性的认识。但是,对于超导非晶合金的晶化过程的价电子态密度变化和蕊能级结合能变化的研究。尚没有报道。为了进一步了解这类合金中超导电性与其电子、声子结构,电-声子耦合强度等微观参量的关系,我们对处于原始淬火态和 I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, a wide range of theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out on the effects of the superconductivity and structural changes of amorphous Zr-based alloys in the initial quenched state and many regularities have been gained. However, the study on the change of Valence electron density and the variation of core energy level in the crystallization process of superconducting amorphous alloys. Not yet reported. In order to further understand the relationship between the superconductivity and the micro-parameters such as the electron, phonon structure and electro-phonon coupling strength in this kind of alloy,
三维网状陶瓷结构的泡沫陶瓷,含有连在一起的陶瓷玻璃纤维原丝,由70~95%(重量)Al_2O_3和5~30%(重量)ZrO_2组成,在玻璃纤维原丝中间有互连 A three-dimensional, networked, c
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超导材料,即在一定温度下电阻为零和抗磁性的材料。这种材料,过去只能在区(77K 以下)内而且是很低的温度下由于液氦成本昂贵,没有实用价值。11年发现超导以来,直至1986年底,