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为了研究胎儿消化道神经节细胞的发育过程,探讨神经节细胞的发育与肠管发育之间的关系,共观察了新鲜胎儿标本22个,其中男11个,女11个。胎龄为3~10个月。剖取全部消化道,分段作大切片,然后行HE染色及特殊染色,部分标本作电镜观察。结果提示:胎龄越小,神经节细胞发育越不成熟。在胚胎3个月时,消化道各节段肌间及粘膜下层均未见明确的神经丛及神经节细胞,胚胎4个月时才偶见体积较小、发育不成熟的神经节细胞,5个月时肠壁增厚,神经节细胞发育,但仍不成熟,至6个月时,神经节细胞明显增多,并成簇状分布。研究提示神经节细胞的发育与肠管其他结构的发育是同步进行的。研究中未见到近端肠管神经节细胞较远端肠管神经节细胞提前发育,也未发现神经节细胞从前肠向后肠移行的过程。先天性巨结肠的成因不仅仅是胚胎发育第6~12周神经嵴内神经节细胞向肠管移行过程中胚胎发育停顿的结果,而且在胚胎发育的第12~16周,肠管神经节细胞发育成熟之前某些影响神经节细胞发育的局部因素也可导致无神经节细胞巨结肠的形成。 In order to study the process of development of fetal gut ganglion cells and explore the relationship between ganglion cell development and gut development, a total of 22 fresh fetus specimens were observed, including 11 males and 11 females. Gestational age is 3 to 10 months. All the digestive tract was dissected and divided into large sections. HE staining and special staining were performed. Some of the specimens were observed under electron microscope. The results suggest that: the smaller gestational age, the more immature ganglion cell development. At 3 months of embryo, no clear plexus and ganglion cells were found in the intermuscular and submucosal layers of the digestive tract. Occasionally, the embryo developed occasional small, immature ganglion cells at 4 months. Glutinous wall thickened months, ganglion cells, but still immature, to 6 months, the ganglion cells increased significantly, and clustered distribution. Research suggests that the development of ganglion cells is in parallel with the development of other structures of the gut. In the study, proximal ganglion ganglion cells were not found to develop earlier than distal ganglion ganglion cells, and no process of ganglion cells migrating from the anterior to the hindgut was found. The cause of Hirschsprung’s disease is not only the result of embryonic developmental stasis during the transition of the ganglion cells to the intestine during the 6th to 12th week of embryonic development, but also the development of intestinal ganglion cells during the 12th to 16th week of embryonic development Previously, some of the local factors that affect the development of ganglion cells can also lead to the formation of ganglion-less megacolons.
6月28日国务院公布了《节能与新能源汽车产业发展规划(2012-2020年)》,这是一个指导节能与新能源汽车产业健康发展的重要文件。  明确了节能与新能源汽车产业发展的技术路线  有关节能与新能源汽车产业技术路线的讨论经历了不短的时间,作为国家层面的提法终于尘埃落定。规划里明确了以新能源汽车为产业技术转型主要战略取向,同时发展节能汽车以提升汽车产业整体技术水平。  我的理解是:纯电驱动代表看汽车产
Sander Sylvia在《Anal.Chim.Acta》1999年第 394卷第 1期上发表了用吸附溶出伏安法同时测定钼 ( )、铀 ( )、钒 ( )和锑 ( )的文章。在文章前言部分作者对环境样品中铀
本文提出模型参数估计的多步广义梯度法和建模的多层曲线拟合方法,在油田注水系统建模项目中得到成功的应用,所建模型均有很高的精度。 In this paper, we propose a multi-st