
来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liust4258
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Profile The company headquarters and its main manufacturing base are located in Jinan,the capital city of Shandong province.The predecessor to our Parent Company was the first domestic manufacturer of heavy duty trucks and built China’s first heavy duty truck in 1960. We market our products under the brand name“中国重汽”(China Heavy Duty Truck) in Chinese and“SINOTRUK”in English.In August 2006,the company was granted as National complete truck export base enterprise by National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce.In October of the same year,our brand was awarded Profile The company headquarters and its main manufacturing base are located in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong province. The predecessor to our Parent Company was the first domestic manufacturer of heavy duty trucks and built China’s first heavy duty truck in 1960. We market our products under the brand name “China Heavy Duty Truck” in Chinese and “SINOTRUK” in English.In August 2006, the company was granted as National Complete truck export base enterprise by National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Commerce. October October the same year, our brand was awarded
从日前在杭州举行的国际标准化组织(ISO)茶叶标准化技术委员会第22届年会上获悉,备受关注的“绿茶国际标准技术指标原则”已经获得通过。 From the 22nd annual meeting of
汉正街,这条座落在长江与汉水交汇处的古老长街,因小商品批发市场的迅猛发展脱颖而出,名噪全国,在中国改革大潮中神奇地跃上了“天下第一街”的宝座,令世人瞩目。 来到汉正街
推动超市的快速发展,一般应采取广告、销售技术、附加服务、连锁经营、配送中心、价格、市场定位、产品等八项策略。 To promote the rapid development of supermarkets, ei