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3月5日,春光明媚,和煦的春风吹遍南粤大地, 广东流动图书馆清新分馆挂牌揭幕仪式在清新县图书馆隆重举行。国家文化部社会文化图书馆司处长张小平、广东省文化厅厅长曹淳亮、副厅长杜佐祥纪检组长严建强、清远市委副书记邓光荣、清新县委书记、县人大常委会主任肖文、省财政厅教科文处调研员李健强、广东省立中山图书馆馆长李昭淳副馆长颜良辉、莫少强、周国昌、清远市委常委、宣传部长雷广财、清远市文化局局长程雪芳、副局长朱平、清新县委副书记、纪委书记郑小燕、县委常委、宣传部长李向武、副县长姜喜英以及省文化厅机关党委、团委、社会文化处、我馆各支部书记以及清远各市县文化局和图书馆干部、武警战士、学生、群众等共500人参加了挂牌揭幕仪式。 March 5, spring, warm spring breeze blowing all over the land of Guangdong, Guangdong Mobile Library Branch opened the opening ceremony was held Qingxin County Library. Zhang Xiaoping, director of the department of social culture and culture of the Ministry of Culture, Cao Chunliang, director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture, Yan Jianqiang, deputy director of the Du Zuoxiang discipline inspection team, Deng Guangrong, deputy secretary of the Qingyuan municipal party committee, Xiao Wen, secretary of the Qingxian County Committee and director of the County People’s Congress Standing Committee, Li Jianqiang, Researcher of UNESCO Branch, Li Zhaochun, Curator of Zhongshan Library of Guangdong Province Yan Lianghui, Mo Shaoqiang, Zhou Guochang, Member of Propaganda Department of Qingyuan Municipal Party Committee Lei Guangcai, Secretary of Qingyuan Bureau of Culture Cheng Xuefang, Deputy Director Zhu Ping, County Party Committee, Commission for Discipline Inspection Zheng Xiaoyan, county Party committee, propaganda minister Li Xiangwu, deputy magistrate Jiang Xiying and the Provincial Department of Culture organ party committee, the Communist Youth League, social and cultural department, our branch secretary and Qingyuan cities and counties and cultural bureau and library cadres, armed police soldiers , Students, the masses and a total of 500 people attended the opening ceremony.
技术创新是生产发展的巨大杠杆,也是促进产业结构转换、调整的基本因素。图书馆在高新技术产业的发展和企业技术创新能力上,要积极地提供必要的支持。 Technological innova
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