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东部决赛第五场,距比赛结束还有8.2秒,活塞浪费掉了在第四节辛苦建立起来的两位数优势,在比赛最后阶段,活塞队用尽了所有的暂停,不过随即裁判哨声响起,汉密尔顿痛苦地用左手按住自己的右肘,表情一脸痛苦,随即比赛进入暂停时段,活塞队有了喘息的机会。如果最后活塞利用这样的机会进行布置并且完成进攻,那么汉密尔顿“意外”的伤情将为比赛画上浓重的一笔,后来活塞依然没有阻止凯尔特人晋级的脚步,他们无法阻止绿衫军在最后一节近乎疯狂的23比6的攻击波。“我们做了能做的一切。”汉密尔顿说,“我让阿尔尼(坎德,活塞理疗师)不要在比赛当中谈论我手伤的事情,我只是想全身心投入到比赛当中,去保持手感。不过这还是限制了我的发挥了,这就是我为什么在制造罚球方面没什么作为的原因了,也许大家都认为我只有在中投方面是摆脱了伤病的影响的。”可实际上是,在比赛还有40秒结束的时候汉密尔顿拥有一个可以改变战局的空位三分投篮机会,只是他浪费掉了,即便如此,口口声声说自己受到伤病影响的汉密尔顿依然在比赛中神勇地拿下了21分和4次助攻。天知道他的右手肘是否影响了他的发挥。战争必定要有阴谋,智者为王,细节取胜,胜利说到底就是结果,而所有球员最终奋斗的结果就是在弥漫着雪茄的更衣室中享受着奥布莱恩奖杯和香槟泡沫带来的快感。阴谋也许上不了台面,但是没有阴谋的战争算不上战争,没有阴谋的比赛也没有了比赛的乐趣,有的时候,一个残酷的过程带来的结果会更让人印象深刻,在季后赛,策略有的时候比战术更重要,阴谋有的时候比光明正大更有杀伤力。 In Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals, 8.2 seconds from the end of the race, the Pistons squandered the double-digit advantage they had worked hard in the fourth quarter and the Pistons made all the stops during the final stages of the race but then the referee whistle Sounded, Hamilton, painfully holding his right elbow with his left hand, the expression of a look of pain, then the game into the pause, the Pistons had a breathing space. If at the end the Pistons take advantage of this opportunity to arrange and complete the offense, Hamilton’s “accidental” injury will draw a heavy stroke in the game, and the Pistons will not stop the Celtics from rising and they will not be able to stop the green Shirts in the final section of almost crazy 23 to 6 wave of attacks. “Hamilton said, ” I let Arney (Kander, piston therapist) do not talk about my hand injury during the game, I just want to wholeheartedly into the game, But this still limits my play, which is why I did nothing in making free throws, and maybe everyone thinks I’m only free from injury and injury in the CIC field. " In fact, Hamilton had an open three-point shot at the end of the game with 40 seconds left, but he wasted it, and even then, Hamilton, who was hurt by the injury, was still brave Scored 21 points and 4 assists. God knows if his right elbow affects his play. The war must have a conspiracy, the wise man is the king, the details win, the victory is the end result, and the final result of all the players is the cigar filled locker room to enjoy the O’Brien trophies and champagne bubble brings pleasure. The conspiracy may not be on the table, but the conspiracy of war is not a war, no conspiracy of the game nor the fun of the game, sometimes, the result of a brutal process will be even more impressive in the playoffs Strategies are sometimes more important than tactics, and conspiracies are sometimes more lethal than fairness.
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