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萧龙友是北京四大名医之一,30年代就已在中医界闻名遐迩。建国后,萧先生曾任中国科学院生物地学学部委员等职务。作为中医学家而担任学部委员,萧先生是历史上之第一人。萧龙发,名方骏,字龙友,1870年2月13日出生于四川省雅安县。萧氏五代定居四川,诗书传家。萧龙友自幼熟读经史、诗赋,兼习书法。1890年赴成都,入尊经书院词章科学习。1897年,萧龙友27岁时中丁酉科拔贡,不久即入京担任八旗官学教习之职。1900年他离京去山东,曾任淄川枣阳知县,后又在济南高等学校任职。辛亥革命之后,萧龙友于1914年再次奉调进京,历任财政、农商两部秘书、财政部经济调查局参事等职。到1928年,萧龙友深感于数十年宦海浮沉,无济国事,遂生隐退医林之念,不久即弃官行医,结束了自己的仕途生涯。此时,萧先生已是年近花甲之人。能在花甲 Xiao Longyou Beijing is one of the four famous doctors, 30’s has been famous in the field of Chinese medicine. After the founding of the PRC, Mr. Xiao served as a member of the Department of Biogeology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other positions. As a Chinese medicine professor and served as members of the school, Mr. Hsiao is the history of the first person. Xiao Long hair, named Fang Jun, the word Dragon Friends, February 13, 1870 was born in Ya’an County, Sichuan Province. Xiao five generations settled in Sichuan, poetry and biography. Xiao Longyou familiar with history, poetry, and calligraphy. In 1890 went to Chengdu, into the Academy by the word chapter study. In 1897, when Xiao Longyou was 27, he was a member of the Eight Banners Government Officials’ School in Beijing. He left Beijing in 1900 to go to Shandong Province, where he served as magistrate of Zaoyang in Zichuan, and later served in Jinan Higher Education Institute. After the Revolution of 1911, Xiao Longyou again moved to Beijing in 1914, serving successively as secretary of the two finance ministries and commissions and assistant secretary of the Economic Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Finance. By 1928, Xiao Longyou was deeply concerned about the ups and downs of officialdom in the past decades, and he was reluctant to state affairs. He soon became an official doctor and ended his official career. At this point, Mr. Can be in a flower
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第一次见到 POLO 是两年前在东方广场的大众展厅,当时感觉大众一下推出了好多款车:POLO、BORA、GOLF……再问价格,才真正感觉到汽车时代已经向自己逼近了。一个冬日的早晨,