Si and Mg pair-doped interlayers for improving performance of AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field effect

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixinghui318
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We report a novel structure of AlGaN/GaN heterostructure field effect transistors(HFETs) with a Si and Mg pairdoped interlayer grown on Si substrate. By optimizing the doping concentrations of the pair-doped interlayers, the mobility of 2DEG increases by twice for the conventional structure under 5 K due to the improved crystalline quality of the conduction channel. The proposed HFET shows a four orders lower off-state leakage current, resulting in a much higher on/off ratio(~ 109). Further temperature-dependent performance of Schottky diodes revealed that the inhibition of shallow surface traps in proposed HFETs should be the main reason for the suppression of leakage current. We report a novel structure of AlGaN / GaN heterostructure field effect transistors (HFETs) with a Si and Mg pairdoped interlayer grown on Si substrate. By optimizing the doping concentrations of the pair-doped interlayers, the mobility of 2DEG increases by twice for the conventional structure under 5 K due to the improved crystalline quality of the conduction channel. The proposed HFET shows a four orders lower off-state leakage current, resulting in a much higher on / off ratio (~ 109). Further temperature-dependent performance of Schottky diodes revealed that the inhibition of shallow surface traps in proposed HFETs should be the main reason for the suppression of leakage current.
刚在央视八套播毕的电视剧《我们俩的婚姻》,再次把婆媳战争搬上了荧屏,剧中人物所表现的激烈的矛盾冲突,引发了观众对现代生活中婚姻和爱情的探讨。  主人公夏小宁和秦岩的认识本来就是戏剧性的,如果不是夏小宁刚刚遭受前男友的背叛和不忠,如果不是秦岩正处于一个高龄未婚的尴尬阶段,也许他们走不进婚姻的殿堂。  女主角夏小宁个性比较冲动,因为她的说话方式和办事方式还没有成熟到位,往往本是一片好心,对方却不领情。
Please Excuse Me/My Humble...让您见笑了Rang Nin Jianxiao le This phrase is often used to express one’s modesty when he/she gives presents to his/her elders and
太钢解放    我于1927年生于山西省文水县,自幼入家塾熟读古典文学,后在山西工业学校学习机械电气专科。1948年初,我考入太原钢铁厂当练习员,半年后西北实业公司精简,我们十个练习员都被裁为工人。我成了一号高炉的炉前工。  解放前两年,太钢工人忍着饥饿维持着太钢的生产。工厂不给职工发工资,一度时期是发米麦,后来粮食紧张了,便发纺织厂积压的背心、毛巾、床单、袜子、布匹等物品以顶替工资。工人们饿得不
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