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一、教学目的及教学指导思想的确定这是一首艺术成就很高的政治抒情诗。写的是知青支边、继往开来的重大题材。诗人从大处着眼,鸟瞰全局,又能体察入微,从小处落笔,选取典型的细节,驰骋他丰富的联想,通过一朵浪花展示了大海的壮观。抓住这一点不仅可以使学生更好 First, the purpose of teaching and the determination of teaching guidelines This is a very high artistic achievements of the political lyrics. What is written is a major theme that supports the educated youth and the future. The poet looks at the big picture, has a bird’s eye view of the whole world, and is able to observe the slightest, write down the pen from a small place, select typical details, ride his rich association, and show the grandeur of the sea through a spray. Seizing this point not only makes students better
《铁道车辆》编辑部: 最近我段南宁列检所,发现不少厂段修的C_(50)敞车制动梁吊环折断(见图),大部分是在焊接处所。自今年来南宁列检所发现吊环折断的敞车就有十一件之多。
一本书象一艘船,带领我们从狭隘的地方,驰向无限广阔的生活海洋.——凯勒 A book is like a boat that leads us from a narrow place to a vast expanse of life. Keller
1984年9月19—24日在成都召开的全国物理教研员学术讨论会上,雷树人同志对中学物理教改问题作了一次发言,现根据记录,摘要整理,发表如下。 At the national physics teachin
This paper makes a comprehensive statistical analysis of the papers published in recent years on the development of China’s archives informatization from the a