Things you can do for wildlife protection 保护野生动物,你所能做的

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  1. overwhelmed /???v??welmd/ adj. 被压垮的;不堪重负的
  2. reverse /r??v??s/ v. 颠倒;彻底转变
  3. plague /ple?ɡ/ v. 使痛苦;困扰;折磨
  4. contraption /k?n?tr?p?n/ n. 奇妙的装置
  5. lobby /?l?b?/ v. 游说
  6. acidic /??s?d?k/ adj. 酸的;酸性的
  7. terrestrial /t??restr??l/ adj. 陆栖的
  In the face of species loss and habitat destruction, its easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless to improve things. But any action you take, no matter how small, will help restore the world to its natural balance. If millions of other people do the same, theres hope that we can permanently reverse current trends. Here are things you can do to help wildlife.
  Dont feed any animals but birds
  That deer or raccoon (浣熊) that wanders into your backyard might look hungry and helpless, but if you feed it you wont be doing it any favors. Giving food to animals accustoms them to human contact, and not all human beings are as warmhearted as you are. The next time that raccoon visits a house, it might be greeted with a shotgun rather than a sandwich. Feeding wild birds, on the other hand, is OK as long as you dont have outdoor cats (see previous) and you provide a meal in keeping with the birds natural diet. Think nuts and seeds rather than processed bread.
  Turn off that bug zapper
  No one likes being bitten by mosquitoes or plagued by flies on their front porch, but that doesnt always justify using bug zappers and tiki torches. The light and heat of these contraptions can attract faraway bugs that had no intention of visiting your house, and frying them deprives other wildlife (frogs, spiders, lizards, etc.) of their accustomed meals. It takes an especially compassionate human to make this compromise, but if bugs are really a problem, consider screening your porch or applying a topical bug spray to your arms and legs.
  Set up a wildlife shelter
  If you want to go a step beyond planting a wildlife garden, consider building a shelter on your property for birds, bees, or other animals. This will involve, for example, constructing birdhouses to the appropriate scale, hanging them at the proper height, and stocking them with the right food. If you want to keep bees, youll need to invest in a fair amount of equipment (for which our rapidly collapsing wild bee populations will thank you). Before you start hammering and sawing, though, study your local regulations; some municipalities(自治市) restrict the kind of animals you can keep on your property.   Join a wildlife conservation organization
  Different wildlife conservation organizations have different objectives. Some work to protect small plots of habitat or to shelter specific animals such as whales, while others focus on establishing good environmental policies by local government. If you have an area of interest, you can usually find an organization devoted to the species or habitats youre most concerned about. Even better, most of these organizations rely on volunteers to help sign up new members, lobby government bodies, or clean the oil off seals, so youll always have something to do with your time.
  Reduce your carbon footprint
  One of the gravest threats to wildlife is pollution. Carbon dioxide emissions cause
  oceans to become more acidic, endangering
  marine life, and polluted air and water have an outsize impact on terrestrial animals. By keeping your home a little warmer in the summer and a little cooler in the winter and using your car only when necessary, you can help reduce the impact of greenhouse gases and do your part to decelerate the pace of global warming, which might help wild animal species around the world.
数字生活的新方式  到太空打卡需要花费多少钱  Axiom Space公布首批商业载人航天名单  到太空打卡几乎是很多人类从儿时就有的渴望,随着商业航天旅行概念的提出,这样的经历也不再是航天员的专属,有实力的顶级富豪终于即将迈出第一步。美国私人航天公司 Axiom Space公布了首批商业载人航天名单,来自美国、加拿大和以色列的三位富豪分别购买了這次航天旅行的机会,届时他们将和航天员Michael
[编者按] 2015年7月27日至29日,第八届混合学习国际会议暨教育技术国际研讨会在华中师范大学召开。来自10余个国家的160多位学者参与其中,共呈现了6个主题报告和82个专题报告。本次会议主题多元,角度丰富,对混合学习领域的最新发展以及实践应用,或进行理论探讨和方法总结,或进行实践应用和实证研究,集中地反映出近年来混合学习在内涵上的新视角及研究上的新动态。现将会议内容作简要述评,以飨读者。  
【摘 要】 从远程教育云基础架构的整体性出发,以建设IaaS为主要服务形式的山东开放大学私有云为目的,在研究虚拟化技术的同时也对虚拟机的备份和性能监控进行了分析和应用,解决了虚拟化系统中的网络和存储瓶颈。实践表明,山东开放大学远程教育云平台的构建,实现了远程教育信息资源的集中部署、有效共享以及云基础设施在山东电大系统的按需分配。  【关键词】 远程教育云;IaaS;服务器虚拟化;交换机虚拟化;存储
【摘 要】   作为一所营利性的远程开放教育机构,凤凰城大学能够提供在线学习支持并颁发证书,与当前盛行的MOOCs相比,它的办学模式更加成熟,有丰富的经验可供借鉴。本文对凤凰城大学2008-2011年的年度学术报告进行分析解读,以期管中窥豹,了解其办学成绩背后的办学经验。研究发现,凤凰城大学强调自身定位及所承担的社会责任,关注教育质量,强调建立新的、适合凤凰城大学自身特点的质量指标,重点突出学生知
WBEZ91.5 报道: 一所专门面向难民的新大学——凯伦大学(Kiron University)在柏林建立,它依托现有的在线课程,为全球避难者提供免费教育。  在德国,避难者没有文件和身份便无法进入当地大学学习,凯伦大学提供了一种解决方案:被凯伦大学录取的学生可以进入凯伦大学的合作学校(德国的其他大学)进行在线学习,参与虚拟研讨会。按照合作学校学位项目的要求完成两年网络课程学习后,这些学生可以申
技术变革教育在线杂志8月17日指出,根据国际数据公司(International Data Corp, IDC)的报告,3D 打印市场到2020年将达到3,540亿美元,总额将达到今年预期收入的2倍,预测将实现24.1%的复合年增长。  该报告显示,虽然预测3D打印机和材料将占到全球总收入的近一半,但软件及相关服务也将显著增长。计算机辅助设计软件的收入预计将在五年内翻3番,相应的定制零部件服务市场
《纽约时代周刊》2013年9月22日报道,欧洲委员会将于9月末开设一个开放教育资源网站,这是欧洲应对美国掀起的MOOC狂潮的又一举措。同时,欧洲委员会将开始关注各个教育层次的在线资源与教学,以应对未来大规模增长的学生数量。“普通的商业模式不再发挥作用:大学正在迈向技术创新,以解决成倍增长的学生数量,”委员会的教育政策发言人Dennis Abbot表示,“此时此刻,世界正在经历一场革命,我们不能置身
【摘 要】  本文设计了一种自动评价网络教学视频的指标:流行度和质量。与已有的人工评价方法不同,本文的评价方法通过教学视频中各集的播放量来挖掘学习者对该教学视频的评价,通过函数拟合获得指数函数的两个参数a和b,分别对应视频的评价指标:流行度和质量。通过网络真实数据进行相关实验,结果显示该自动评价指标和方法与人工评价的结果基本一致。  【关键词】 视频教学;资源评价;自动评价;视频教学资源  【中图
For Chinese people, the name Yuan- mingyuan, or the Old Summer Palace in Beijing, resonates (回荡)through history.  First constructed in 1707, this former royal resort of the Qing Dynasty, covering roug