Complex fitting 3D closed-form Green's function and its application for silicon RF IC's

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xionglongyan0817
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An approximate three-dimensional closed-form Green’s function with the type of exponential function is derived over a lossy multilayered substrate by means of the Fourier transforms and a novel complex fitting approach. This Green’s function is used to extract the capacitance matrix for an arbitrary three-dimensional arrangement of conductors located anywhere in the silicon IC substrate. Using this technique, the substrate loss in silicon integrated circuits can be analyzed. An example of inductor modeling is presented to show that the technique is quite effective. An approximate three-dimensional closed-form Green’s function with the type of exponential function is derived over a lossy multilayered substrate by means of the Fourier transforms and a novel complex fitting approach. This Green’s function is used to extract the capacitance matrix for an arbitrary three Use this technique, the substrate loss in silicon integrated circuits can be analyzed. An example of inductor modeling is presented to show that the technique is quite effective.
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