
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caikesbad
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由于结构刚度大、变形小、动力性能好、主梁变形挠曲线平缓、有利于高速行车、利于桥下空间的设计与利用等优点,连续梁桥在城市立交和高架桥中得到了广泛应用。随着使用年限的增加、超载超限荷载以及桥梁设计、施工和使用等多方面原因,部分连续梁桥尤其是钢筋混凝土连续梁出现了多种病害。由于自身结构特点、交通压力等因素,连续梁桥维修加固和改造往往比较困难。本文结合北京市一座3跨连续钢筋混凝土连续梁桥维修加固设计,主要介绍通过采用改变支撑体系、千斤顶顶升等措施,对连续梁负弯矩、跨中正弯矩进行内力调整,最终实现连续梁桥中支点负弯矩和桥面板的维修加固。与常规维修措施相比,该桥维修加固中的内力调整从根本上消除了桥梁安全隐患,降低了工程造价,将对交通影响的程度降到了最低,具有良好社会与经济效益,能为同类型连续梁桥的加固设计提供参考。 Due to the advantages of large structural rigidity, small deformation, good dynamic performance, gentle deflection curve of the main beam, high speed driving and the design and utilization of space under the bridge, the continuous beam bridge has been widely used in urban interchanges and viaducts. With the increase of service life, overload and overloading load, as well as the design, construction and use of bridges, many continuous defects occur in some continuous girders, especially in reinforced concrete continuous beams. Due to its own structural characteristics, traffic pressure and other factors, continuous beam bridge repair reinforcement and transformation is often more difficult. In this paper, a three-span continuous reinforced concrete continuous beam bridge repair and reinforcement design in Beijing, mainly introduced by using the change of support system, jack jacking and other measures to continuous beam negative moment, mid-span positive moment bending force adjustment, and ultimately to achieve continuous beam Bridge negative bending moment and bridge deck repair and reinforcement. Compared with the conventional maintenance measures, the internal force adjustment of the bridge repair and reinforcement fundamentally eliminates the potential safety hazard of the bridge, reduces the construction cost, minimizes the impact on the traffic, has good social and economic benefits, and can be of the same type Continuous girder bridge reinforcement design for reference.
利用小波变换能进行精确分频的特点,进行水轮机轴系动态特性信息的提取。仿真及实际运用均表明本方法具有很好的去除噪声的能力。 Using the wavelet transform can accurate
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