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一龙门是一个在全国地图上连影子也找不到的小小渔港,位于北部湾和钦州湾的交汇处,属广西壮族自治区的钦州县。可是,脍炙人口的“龙门四宝”:大虾、牡蛎、青蟹和石斑鱼,却出产在这一带。请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。我们访问龙门时,正是一九七七年的春汛时节。一路上,春风拂煦,艳阳高照。车抵龙门,但见海港外,碧波万顷,帆影翩翩,一些“闹小海”的渔民,正浴着金色的阳光搏风击浪,撒网捕鱼;港湾内帆樯林 A gantry is a small fishing port that can not be found on the map of the whole country. It is located at the confluence of Beibu Bay and Qinzhou Bay and belongs to Qinzhou County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. However, the popular “four treasures”: prawns, oysters, crabs and groupers, but produced in this area. Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. When we visited the Dragon Gate, it was the spring flood season in 1977. Along the way, the breeze warm spring, the sun shines. The car arrived at the goal, but see the harbor, Bibo million ares, the handsome sail, some “trouble sea” fishermen, is bathed in golden sunshine breeze waves, netting fishing; harbor savinlin
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当比水晶更 。比鮮花更艳丽,桔紅色的、玫瑰色的、橙黄色的朝霞染透了东方一大片蓝天的时侯,我要为披上金色的晨装的貴阳唱一只激越的赞歌。我的歌献给环护在四周的贵山、
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