陈鹤琴小学校长 俞玉敏:让教育正能量直入人心

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地处上海中心城区的陈鹤琴小学,前身是延安中路小学。随着延安中路的扩建,人口的动迁导出,学校生源急剧下降。2005年10月,学校更名为陈鹤琴小学,成为全国第一所以著名教育家陈鹤琴命名的小学。如何真正发挥品牌效应,在新时期继承发扬陈鹤琴教育思想,成为陈鹤琴小学迫切需要回答的重要命题。2007年7月,俞玉敏从静安区实验小学调入陈鹤琴小学担任校长,面对老教育家留下的思想宝库,她以陈鹤琴教育思想为指导,带领全校师生走上了一条“活教育新内涵”的实践探索之路。俞玉敏在新时代背景下融会古今,创造性地实践“活教育”思想,让教育的正能量直入学生、家长、教师每个人的内心。 Located in downtown Shanghai Chen Heqin primary school, formerly Yan’an Road Primary School. With the expansion of Yan’an Middle Road and the demolition of the population, the number of students in the school dropped sharply. In October 2005, the school changed its name to Chen Heqin Primary School and became the first primary school named after the renowned educator Chen Heqin. How to give full play to the brand effect and inherit and carry forward Chen Heqin’s educational thought in the new era has become an important proposition that Chen Heqin Primary School urgently needs to answer. In July 2007, Yu Yumin transferred from Jing’an Experimental Primary School to Chen Heqin Primary School to serve as principal. In the face of the treasure house left by the old educators, she directed the teaching thought of Chen Heqin and guided all the teachers and students in the school to embark on a “Live Education New connotation ”practice exploration path. Yu Yumin combines the ancient and modern times in the context of a new era and creatively practices the idea of ​​“living education” so that the positive energy of education flows straight into the hearts of students, parents and teachers.
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