
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BBQChris
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对班主任来说,要教育好学生,除努力提高自身的专业知识水平,搞好教学工作外,还必须认真探索思想教育的规律,结合本班学生实际情况,采取灵活多样的教育方法.作为高中班的班主任,在思想教育工作中,应努力树立良好的班风,发挥集体教育的力量,是符合学生年龄和心理特征的有效办法之一.高中生的生长、发育日趋成熟.他们的认识也有了目的性和系统性,自尊心、自觉性和集体观念更强、已初步具备独立思考,独立工作的能力.他们这些年龄特征和心理特点,是发挥集体教育力量的有利条件.树立良好班风,发挥集体教育力量,应从哪些方面入手呢?一、班主任必须有民主作风,有自我批评的精神.高中生具备一定的分析能力,喜欢对周围的事物发表自己的看法,往往喜欢评价老师.如何正确 For the head teacher, in order to educate the students, in addition to striving to improve their professional knowledge and do a good job in teaching, they must also seriously explore the laws of ideological education, and adopt flexible and diverse educational methods in light of the actual conditions of their classmates. The class teacher in the ideological education work should strive to establish a good class style and give full play to the strength of collective education. It is one of the effective ways to meet the student’s age and psychological characteristics. The growth and development of high school students are maturing. Their knowledge is also there They are purposeful and systematic, have stronger self-esteem, self-awareness, and collective ideas, and have initially had the ability to think independently and work independently. Their age characteristics and psychological characteristics are favorable conditions for exerting the collective education power and establishing a good class style. In order to give full play to the power of collective education, what kind of aspects should be used? First, the head teacher must have a democratic style and have the spirit of self-criticism. High school students have a certain analytical ability, like to express their own opinions on the surrounding things, often like to evaluate the teacher. How to correct
定理:n个不同的元素排成一列,重新排列时,其中有m(m≤n)个元素不许排在原来的位置,则其不同的排法有:请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Theorem: n different e
一、装置的制作: 取两个塑料眼药瓶,截去瓶底和尖嘴部分。在瓶嘴上,分别按上长约3~4cm的玻璃管和一个尖嘴玻璃管,将一塑料眼药瓶底放在沸水 First, the production of the d
我有幸地参加1985年9月在广州市举行的中英中学理科教育新方法讨论会,因此,将英国中学理科教育方法简单介绍如下: I had the privilege of attending a seminar on new met
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