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在激烈的市场竞争下,许多企业通过与其他企业或科研机构构建技术联盟来规避技术研发风险并迅速扩大组织的整体知识存量和技术水平,以提升企业竞争力。知识转移是技术联盟主体组织学习和取得外部知识的重要途径。本研究基于过程的视角,探索和验证了组织在构建和实施技术联盟过程中各个影响因素如何影响技术联盟知识转移效果。本文作者通过深入哈尔滨汽轮机厂的研发部门和生产一线,以参观和访谈的调研方式取得了哈尔滨汽轮机厂与美国GE公司的9FA联合循环机组D10汽轮机技术联盟的第一手资料。本文通过哈汽轮机厂与GE公司的技术联盟案例实证验证了知识转移过程各影响因素如何影响技术联盟组织间知识转移效果。实证验证结果表明:技术联盟中知识源的知识转移能力和知识接收方的知识吸收能力作为外因潜在变量通过积极影响内因潜在变量知识转移情境适应性和知识转移过程对知识转移效果有显著的正向促进作用;联盟主体间信息对称性作为外因潜在变量对知识转移效果的正向积极影响是通过影响内因潜在变量的中介机制形成的,该影响路径中内因潜在变量分别为组织知识识别能力、知识转移方式和知识转移过程;知识转移投入通过正向影响知识转移过程进而促进知识转移效果。本研究的创新之处在于:在理论和实证研究的基础上,通过对实际案例的剖析验证了技术联盟组织间知识转移影响因素对知识转移效果的作用路径,便于企业研发人员和科研管理人员理解和应用本文的研究结论,增加了结论的可操作性和实际应用价值。 In the fierce market competition, many enterprises through the establishment of technical alliances with other companies or research institutes to circumvent the risk of technology research and development and rapidly expand the overall knowledge of the organization’s stock and technical level to enhance their competitiveness. Knowledge transfer is an important way for the main body of technology alliance to learn and acquire external knowledge. Based on the process perspective, this study explores and verifies how the various influencing factors in the process of constructing and implementing technology alliance influence the knowledge transfer effect of technology alliance. Through in-depth R & D department and production line of Harbin Steam Turbine Factory, the author obtained the first-hand information of D10 Turbine Technical Alliance of 9FA Combined Cycle Unit of Harbin Turbine Works and GE Company of the United States by means of visiting and interviews. In this paper, the case of technology alliance between Harbin Steam Turbine Works and GE Company is used to verify the impact of various factors in knowledge transfer process on the knowledge transfer effect among technology alliances. The empirical results show that knowledge transfer ability of knowledge source and knowledge absorption ability of knowledge receiver as potential variables of external factors have significant positive effect on knowledge transfer effect by positively affecting internal variable latent knowledge transfer context adaptability and knowledge transfer process The positive positive influence of information symmetry between alliance agents as the latent variable of external factors on the effect of knowledge transfer is formed through the intermediary mechanism that affects the latent variables of internal factors. The latent variables of internal factors in the impact path are the ability of knowledge recognition, knowledge transfer Methods and knowledge transfer process; knowledge transfer investment to promote the knowledge transfer effect by positively affecting the knowledge transfer process. The innovation of this research lies in: Based on the theoretical and empirical research, this paper verifies the path of knowledge transfer effect between knowledge alliance organizations in technology alliance through the analysis of actual cases, which makes it easier for enterprise R & D personnel and scientific research managers to understand And the application of the conclusions of this study, increasing the feasibility of the conclusion and practical value.
【正】 产妇乳头皮肤破裂,属中医“乳头裂”“乳头风”等病范畴。是一种较为常见的病。此病虽属小疾,但疼痛难忍,严重者指出血或流粘水,给患者带来较大痛苦。近年获有关方信
目的:分析比较盆腔器官脱垂(POP)患者同时行盆底重建手术及抗压力性尿失禁手术和单纯行盆底重建手术的术后疗效。方法:计算机检索1999-2013年间Cochrane library、Embase、Medlin