
来源 :上海铁道科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vk2046
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介绍了现行客车车辆运行平稳性的评定标准,分析了影响车辆运行平稳性的原因等。通过分析, 结合现场检修的体会,提出了改善车辆运行平稳性的几个措施。 This paper introduces the evaluation criteria for the current passenger car running stability and analyzes the reasons that affect the smooth running of the vehicle. By analyzing and combining with the experience of on-site maintenance, several measures to improve the smoothness of vehicle operation are put forward.
1 铁路局直管站段后对更新改造计划管理带来的新问题和新情况铁路分局撤销后,铁路运输资源、经营决策等都统一到了路局,原分局计划管理的职能一部分上移路局,一部分下放站段,
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