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对8根钢管混凝土加固柱试件和1根未加固钢筋混凝土方形截面短柱试件进行偏心受压试验,试验结果表明:采用钢管混凝土加固法能显著提高原柱的承载力和变形能力;随着钢管壁厚的增大,加固柱试件的承载力和变形能力显著提高;随着后浇混凝土强度的提高,加固柱试件的承载力有所提高,但延性降低。在试验研究的基础上,采用通用有限元软件ANSYS对加固柱试验进行全过程受力分析,与试验结果对比后发现,二者吻合良好,有限元分析的承载力最大相差为6%。有限元分析结果表明:弯曲内侧受压的后浇混凝土会受到明显的约束作用,最大约束应力可达10MPa,而弯曲外侧的后浇混凝土受拉,不受约束作用;钢筋混凝土原柱各处混凝土受到的约束力大致相同,在2.0~2.5 MPa之间;由于外套圆钢管对受压侧原柱混凝土和后浇混凝土提供有效约束作用,其最大应力可明显高于其单轴抗压强度。 The eccentric compression tests were carried out on eight concrete-filled steel tube column specimens and one unbonded reinforced concrete short section rectangular column specimen. The results show that the concrete-filled steel tube reinforced concrete can significantly increase the bearing capacity and deformation capacity of the original columns. With the increase of steel pipe wall thickness, the bearing capacity and deformation capacity of the strengthened column specimens increased significantly. With the increase of the strength of post-cast concrete, the bearing capacity of the strengthened column specimens increased, but the ductility decreased. Based on the experimental study, the stress analysis of reinforced column test was carried out by ANSYS. Compared with the experimental results, it was found that there was a good agreement between them, and the maximum difference of the bearing capacity of the finite element analysis was 6%. The results of finite element analysis show that the post-poured concrete under bending load will be obviously restrained, the maximum restraining stress can reach 10MPa, but the post-poured concrete on the outside of the bend can not be restrained; the concrete around the original column of reinforced concrete The restrained force is about the same between 2.0 MPa and 2.5 MPa. The maximum stress of the jacket pipe can be obviously higher than the uniaxial compressive strength due to the effective restraint effect of the jacket round steel pipe on the concrete of the original column and the post-poured concrete on the compression side.
Along with the rapid development of Chi-na’s economy since the 1990s and con-siderable improvements of the living con-ditions of the Chinese people,China’sco
同学们初学全等三角形时,由于对三角形全等的判定方法理解不透、掌握不牢,解题时常会出现一些错误.快看,到错解“门诊”去就诊的还真不少哩! Classmates beginners congratu