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中小学考试是学校对照既定的教育目标,对受教育者由于学校教育而引的素质变化和发展进行检测和评价的重要方法之一。在中小学校中,考试不应只是单纯地对学生知识与学习水平进行检测,而且也应该对学生的能力、技能、思想品德和心理素质进行检测。 由于教育观念的偏差,片面追求升学率的干扰,学校教育长期以来为应试教育所左右,考试成了教育教学的指挥棒,成为学校督促学生学习的唯一手段,因而也成为学校贯彻党的教育方针的“瓶颈”。 传统的校内考试弊端及负面影响不小。首先,在学科考试中只重视检测本学科知识的认知与再现上,而忽视其它素质的培养和实际运用知识的能力。校内考试名目繁多,诸如单元考试、阶段考试、半期考试、期 The primary and secondary school examinations are one of the important methods for the school to test and evaluate the qualities and developments of the educators who are accompanied by the quality of the school education. In primary and secondary schools, the examination should not only be a simple test of student knowledge and learning, but should also test students’ abilities, skills, ideological and moral qualities and psychological quality. Due to the deviation of educational concepts and one-sided pursuit of the interference of higher education rates, school education has long been the subject of exam-oriented education. Examinations have become the baton of education and teaching, and have become the only means for schools to urge students to learn. Therefore, they have also become the school’s implementation of the party’s education policy. The “bottleneck”. The drawbacks and negative impacts of traditional on-campus examinations are not small. First of all, in the subject test, only the detection and recognition of the knowledge of the subject is emphasized, while the cultivation of other qualities and the ability to actually use knowledge are ignored. There are a large number of exams on campus, such as unit exams, stage exams, half-term exams, and
游杭州虎跑泉时细雨迷蒙。游虎跑完完全全为着传奇一生的李叔同。虎跑的细雨把我的心弄湿了。  很早我便知道中国近代有位李叔同。“长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天……”曾经,我与一个知交唱着《送别》游虎跑泉、谒李叔同墓,挺少年意气的。他提议:我们一起研究,写一本关于李叔同的书吧。若干年后,研究未果,书更无从谈起,倒是心里多了几缕沧桑。如今,感受李叔同比研究来得更自然、更熨帖,尤其在这细雨中。  从生于富商之家
安龙县永和镇拉然沟村关山组,座落在一个山连山、岭接岭的深山里。就在这大山深处里,却飘扬着一曲动人的奉献之歌,这曲歌的谱写者名叫查必祥。 50多岁的查必祥1960年在安龙一
新来的小沙弥,对什么都好奇。秋天,禅院里红叶飞舞,小沙弥跑去问师父:“红叶这么美,为什么会掉呢?”师父一笑:“因为冬天来了,树撑不住那么多叶子,只好舍。这不是‘放 The n