
来源 :大学图书馆学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZGGILOVE
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高校图书馆事业的十年巨变,首先应归功于党的基本路线的正确,归功于各级教育行政部门和高等学校领导的重视、关怀和支持,以及广大高校图书馆工作人员的努力奋斗。但是各级高等学校图书情报工作委员会(以下简称图工委)作为各级教育委员会领导下一个承上启下的专门机构,对高校图书馆的改革、建设和发展充分发挥了研究、协调、指导的策划、组织、推动作用,也是功不可没。以山东省高校图工委为例,十年来主要通过十个方面协助省教委认真贯彻第二、第三次全国高校图书馆工作会议精神,努力落 The ten-year tremendous change in the cause of university libraries must be attributed first to the correctness of the party’s basic line. It is attributed to the importance, care and support of the leaders of educational administrations and institutions of higher learning at all levels and to the hard work of the staff of university libraries. However, as a special institution under the leadership of the Board of Education at all levels, the library and information work committees at all levels (hereinafter referred to as the Working Commission of the People’s Republic of China) have given full play to the research, coordination and guidance in the reform, construction and development of the university library, Organization, to promote the role, but also contributed. Take the Shandong Provincial Commission of Labor and Social Work as an example. In the past ten years, it mainly assisted the Provincial Education Commission in implementing the second and third national collegiate library working conference through ten major aspects,
I am a girl,really a poor girl. I don’t mean I have no money. I mean I don’t have enough free time to play. Every day lots of homework must be done. What’s m
甲状腺容量(体积)与年龄、性别和体重的关系尚未系统研究过。作者采用高精度的超声扫描技术(ultrasonic Scanning technique)测定了271例正常人(13~91岁)的甲状腺容量,同时测