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本文节选自明代崔铣的文集《洹词》,原题作《书王忠肃公翱三事》。“王忠肃公翱”,就是王翱。王翱(1385年——1467年),字九皋,江苏盐城人。明成祖永乐间中举,历官都御史、提督、两广总督、吏部尚书。因他“刚正廉直,忧国奉公,忘情恩怨”,死后谥号“忠肃”。作者崔铣(1479年——1541年),字仲凫,号后渠先生,河南安阳人。明孝宗弘治十八年(1505年)中进士,曾任翰林院编修。为人忠耿,曾诣见权贵刘瑾,长揖不拜;因而不得重用。后来奸佞张璁、桂萼得势,崔铣被撵出京城,出任南京吏部主事,经筵讲官等职。至世宗嘉靖时,擢拔南京国子监祭酒,官至礼部右侍郎。死后谥号文敏。著述颇多,有《洹词》十二卷、《文苑春秋》、《晦庵文钞续集》等十余种。课文出于《洹词》卷五。课文只节选了原文中的二、三两则。前面一则是记叙王翱禁止自己的孙子参加科举考试,以免妨碍其他寒士仕进之路的事。 This article is an excerpt from the Ming Dynasty’s Cui Mian’s anthology, “Chen Ci,” and the original title is “The Three Questions of Shu Wang Zhong Su.” “Wang Zhong Su Gong Gong” is Wang Shuo. Wang Shuo (1385 - 1467), word nine, Yancheng, Jiangsu. Ming Chengzu Yongle Zhongjuan, calendar officials are censors, Admiral, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces, the Ministry of Shusi. Because he was “just right and honest, worrying about the country and gratitude,” after the death of the nickname “loyal.” Cui Cui (1479 - 1541), Zhong Zhongyu, Mr. Hou Houqu, Anyang, Henan Province. Ming Xiaozong Koji 18 years (1505) Zhong Jinshi, was formerly Hanlin Academy editing. To be loyal to the people, Zeng Yi sees the right and the righteous Liu Xi, and he does not worship; he must not be reused. Later, he was raped by Zhang Jian and Gui Yong. Tsai Chua was taken out of the capital and served as the principal of the Nanjing Department of Internal Affairs. At the time of King Sejong’s reign, he picked up the imperial family in Nanjing and gave him the right to the minister. After death, nicknamed Wen Min. There are quite a few publications, including more than a dozen such as the Twelve Volumes of the “Quiet”, “Spring and Autumn of Wen Yuan,” and “Sequel to Sui Wenchao.” The text is given in Volume 5 of the eulogy. Only two or three of the original texts were selected in the text. The first one is to record the fact that Wang Xi prohibited his grandson from taking the imperial examinations so as not to interfere with the progress of other scholars.
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