Electronic transport properties of lead nanowires

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaoshao137
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Lead nanowire occupies a very important position in an electronic device. In this study, a genetic algorithm(GA)method has been used to simulate the Pb nanowire. The result shows that Pb nanowires are a multishell cylinder. Each shell consists of atomic rows wound up helically side by side. The quantum electron transport properties of these structures are calculated based on the non-equilibrium Green function(NEGF) combined with the density functional theory(DFT),which indicate that electronic transport ability increases gradually with the atomic number increase. In addition, the thickest nanowire shows excellent electron transport performance. It possesses great transmission at the Fermi level due to the strongest delocalization of the electronic state. The results provide valuable information on the relationship between the transport properties of nanowires and their diameter. Lead nanowire occupies a very important position in an electronic device. In this study, a genetic algorithm (GA) method has been used to simulate the Pb nanowire. The result shows that Pb nanowires are a multishell cylinder. The quantum electron transport properties of these structures are calculated based on the non-equilibrium Green function (NEGF) combined with the density functional theory (DFT), which indicates that electronic transport ability capabilities gradually with the atomic number increase . In addition, the thickest nanowire shows excellent electron transport performance. It possesses great transmission at the Fermi level due to the strongest delocalization of the electronic state. The results provide valuable information on the relationship between the transport properties of nanowires and their diameter.
<正> 在小学数学中,一般用“弃九验算法”来验证计算结果的正确与否,若用它来解题,则可收到意想不到的效果。下面以小学数学课本中的一道思考题:“用1,2,3,…,9九个数字组成
摘 要:劳技课堂教学应该是一个开放性和生成性的课堂运行体系。学生不再是单一的接受者,而应该是学习的主体者,课堂教学应该是“提出问题——研究实践——总结拓展”的学习过程。  关键词:激趣;情境;创新;评价  中图分类号:G623.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)09-030-1  小学劳动与技术教育的《新课程标准》指出,教学观念要从单纯注重知识与技能的传授转变为重视培养学
望岛村隶属山东省威海市环翠区,距威海市城区南五公里处。背靠青山,面朝黄海,地理位置优越,交通便利,是典型的近郊型村落。因村子可远眺威海湾中的日岛,故名望岛。 该村曾是
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1990年12月17日重庆市教委召开了重庆市电大教育工作会议。 这次会议的中心议题是总结重庆电大十一年来的办学经验,贯彻国家教委的《广播电视大学暂行规定》,目的是加强管理