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  There are two types of people in this world—those who can sleep on flights, and those who can’t. The former spring out of their seat upon arrival at their destination, fresh-faced, clear-eyed and ready to throw themselves into the ways of a new country and culture.
  The latter drag themselves sluggishly down the aisle, struggling to perform even the simplest of tasks, such as using the passport machine at security or articulating whether they’re here for “business or pleasure.”1
  If you happen to be one of these unfortunate souls, the start of any long-haul trip can quickly unravel as, both sleep-deprived and jet-lagged, you’re barely able to function for at least 72 hours.2 But fear not—there are ways and means of securing a bit more shuteye3. Here are our top tips for dropping off4 on board.

Grab a row

  We all know the Holy Grail of sleep is managing to lie prostrate to create the illusion of being in a bed.5 Obviously you can guarantee this by stumping up for business class, but if you’re consigned to economy, give yourself a fighting chance by choosing a middle seat when booking.6 Couples and families are unlikely to go either side of you, preferring to stick together, and if it’s not a full flight you’ll have a greater chance of getting a row to yourself. Pick one towards the middle or back of the plane, rather than at the more popular front end of the cabin.

  Should this fail, have a look around early on—can you spot any empty rows? If so, ask a member of cabin crew as soon as possible if it’s OK for you to switch and bag7 yourself some extra leg room.
  Top tip: Once you’re lying comfortably, make sure you put on your seat belt so it’s visible over the blanket. There’s nothing worse than being woken up by a flight attendant during turbulence8 to check you’re belted up.

Stick to your routine

  It might seem silly, but preparing for “bed” the way you would at home means you’re more psychologically ready for sleep. Changing into pyjamas, brushing your teeth and removing your make-up/washing your face can all get you in the right mindset. If you normally always read before bed, do it now too—signal to your brain that the “being awake” portion of the day is officially over.

Get the right sleeping mask9

  As fetching as a faux-satin number with fun patterns might be, this is a practical item with only one real purpose—to block out the light so you can drift off.10 Plump instead for a functional black mask, with a soft lining and raised edges to create a truly dark interior.11

Put in earplugs12

  Just like a sleeping mask, the right earplugs can be a game changer; for many people it’s the constant noise of the engine that makes it so hard to sleep on planes. It’s worth trying out a few different kinds beforehand to see whether you prefer the mouldable wax or foam variety13—everyone’s ears are different, after all.

Take your own pillow

  In the event that you have to sleep sitting up, one of those nerdy looking horse shoe-shaped neck cushions is actually very helpful—a lot more comfortable than trying to fashion the flat-as-a-pancake pillow provided into something remotely sleepworthy.14

Switch off15

  Overstimulation16 is the enemy of sleep. As much fun as it is to catch up on all the films you missed at the cinema or play a game on your phone, using devices just before bed means your brain is all lit up like a Christmas tree. Plan when you ideally want to hit the hay and half an hour beforehand shut down the electronics—instead, do a bit of reading or, better yet, indulge in a 20-minute meditation to really calm the neurons.17

Embrace booze18

  If you drink, having a glass of red wine, whisky, or whatever your chosen tipple may be in the hour before sleep can have a soporific effect.19 However, don’t overdo it—alcohol can feel like it affects you more at altitude and if you slip over into drunken territory, it won’t lead to the best night’s sleep. Plus having a hangover20 on a plane is far from ideal…

Scent yourself

  The power of smell is more potent than you think. Using hand cream or essential oils which have sleep-inducing properties can help you relax and unwind.21 Scents that have a strong link with aiding sleep include lavender, vetiver, chamomile, ylang ylang, bergamot and sandalwood.22 Rub some on the back of your neck and dab a touch on your pulse points for some inner calm.23

No pressure

  It’s easier said than done, but stressing about not being able to sleep is a sure-fire24 way of not being able to sleep. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself—instead just see it as a chance to rest your eyes for a bit. Get comfortable and relaxed, and remind yourself that it’s not the end of the world if you fail to get some shuteye. If you do, it’s a bonus. If you don’t… well, just hope they’ll accept your answer of “bleisure”25 as you stumble through security.

  1. sluggishly: 行动缓慢地,呆滞地;aisle:(席位间的)通道;articulate: 清楚地表达。
  2. 如果你恰好是这些不幸的家伙中的一个,那么你所有长途旅行的伊始都会糟糕透顶,因为你既缺觉又有时差反应,可能在未来的至少三天内都没法正常行动。long-haul:(飞机)长途飞行的;unravel:(计划等)失败,瓦解;jet-lagged: 有时差反应的。
  3. shuteye: 睡眠。
  4. drop off: 睡着。
  5. Holy Grail: 指众人追求的最高目标;prostrate: 俯卧的,平卧的。
  6. stump up: 勉强支付一笔钱;business class: 商务舱;consign to: 使陷于;economy: 经济舱(economy class之略写);fighting chance: 可能而不易得到的机会。
  7. bag: v. 占据,抢占。
  8. turbulence:(由风造成的空气或水的)湍流,不稳定的强气流。
  9. sleeping mask: 眼罩。
  10. 缀有有趣图案的仿缎眼罩可能会很迷人,不过它其实就是个很实用的东西,只有一个真正的用处——遮挡光线,让你不知不觉地睡去。fetching: 迷人的,吸引人的;faux-satin: 仿缎料;number:(群体中)突出的一件,有吸引力的事物;drift off:迷迷糊糊地睡着。
  11. plump for:(在难以定夺的情况下)选择;lining: 衬里,里子;raised edge: 卷边,翻边。
  12. earplug: 耳塞(常用復数)。
  13. beforehand: 事先;mouldable:可模制的;wax: 蜡;foam: 泡沫材料。
  14. 如果你必须坐着睡觉,那看起来傻乎乎的U型枕其实非常有帮助——比起试图将飞机上提供的扁如煎饼般的枕头改造得适于长距离睡觉,用U型枕要舒服得多。fashion: 制作,把……塑造成。
  15. switch off: 切断电源。
  16. overstimulation: 过度刺激。
  17. hit the hay: 睡觉;indulge:(使自己)沉湎于;meditation: 冥想;neuron: 神经元,神经细胞。
  18. booze: 酒。
  19. tipple: 酒;soporific: 催眠的,令人昏昏欲睡的。
  20. hangover: 宿醉。
  21. essential oil: 精油;sleep-inducing:催眠的;property: 特性,特质;unwind: 放松。
  22. 很有助眠效果的香料有熏衣草、香根草、洋甘菊、依兰、佛手柑和檀香。
  23. dab: 轻涂,轻抹;pulse point: 脉搏点。
  24. sure-fire: 一定能成功的。
  25. bleisure: 是business和pleasure的混成词,原指商务休闲旅游,此处用以呼应文中第二段结尾,表示在飞机上没能入睡的人无法清楚回答海关官员关于“此行目的是商务(business)还是休闲旅游(pleasure)”的问题。
赵实,1963年2月出生于宁夏银川,祖籍云南丽江,纳西族。毕业于中央民族大学汉语言文学专业。现任宁夏回族自治区宗教局二处调研员,自治区政协委员,中国探险协会理事。  受父亲影响,赵实年幼即对地理和自然情有独钟,成为了国内最早一批户外运动爱好者,尤其对野外遇到的各种古代遗迹特别是各时代的长城产生了浓厚兴趣,立志通过野外考察和史料研读来探索、破解其历史之谜,同时也为人文环境保护做一点事情。近20年来,
2月4日,在江西省南昌市昌北机场,江西援助武汉医疗护理队在出征仪式上宣誓。  “当前疫情形势仍然十分严峻”“现在疫情防控正处于胶着对垒状态”。2月10日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在北京调研指导新冠肺炎疫情防控工作时,如此指出。  目前看,这场人民战争、总体战、阻击战,不容人们一丝一毫松懈。  据国家卫健委公布的数据,全国新增确诊病例在2月3日大年初十到达峰值后,连续多日出现下降
In 1810, the Grimm Brothers first wrote down the story of Snow White,as told to them by some anonymous German folks. I’ve read this story countless times since d scovering it in my adolescence". Even
《中国应用语言学理论国际化的标准——兼述“产出导向法”在国际化方面的努力》  北京外国语大学文秋芳教授首先对我国应用语言学理论的发展历史进行了简要回顾,并指出中国应用语言学理论的发展面临在国际学界“失声”、在理论体系中“缺位”、研究者本土意识弱,成果创新性低以及发展水平与我国现有国际地位不相称等问题。随后,文秋芳教授分享了她对国内学者国际论文发表的创新性分析的结果,指出国内应用语言学学者目前在国际
人人都会怀疑,一个偏僻农村乡镇的教育能做出特色;人人都会怀疑,司空见惯的德育会做成品牌;人人都会怀疑,寻寻常常的小活动会变得如此富有生机……可这就是事实,是发生在山东省邹平县焦桥镇的教育变革故事。  经典传诵梁邹校园,爱心沁润焦桥学子。宝贵的传统文化,丰厚的民族精神让以感恩教育、中华诗词进校园和才艺培养为核心的立体德育在焦桥大地焕发了勃勃生机。自2003年开始,该镇在县教育局、县关工委的指导下,大
东风标致408在北京全球首发上市,并公布了全系车型的售价。这是标致汽车品牌创立120年以来,首次在海外市场全球首发其最新一代车型。这不仅显示出中国市场日渐提升的重要地位,更凸显标致汽车乃至PSA标致雪铁龙集团中国战略重心的进一步确立。  408的上市,极大地丰富了东风标致的车型系列,它将进入更高级别细分市场,与307、207两大系列一起为钟爱东风标致品牌的消费者提供更多的选择。  作为标致品牌的全
爱女所爱,恨女所恨。失去友人父母之宠虽让人怀念,但也让人明白爱的光环越耀眼,照射的边界越分明。  When I turned 29, my parents called from Boise with birthdaywishes, but they soon moved on to how the wildfires in Idahowere the worst they had seen in
援引《转山》书中的一段摘录,作者对云南梅里转山一段剪切的印象是:“密实的山林覆盖了山体,远处山腰间露出一条小径,背负沉重辎重的藏民依次通过远去,消失在密林深处。转山是极其艰苦和枯燥的,但是这些膜拜的信徒们用最虔诚的方式崇敬着他们心中的神山、维护着那份由来已久的信仰。朴素的信仰使他们能乐观地去承受苦难,用身体的劳累换来清洁的精神。”  从海拔1850米的羊咱到终点梅里石,正儿八经的外转大圈要走8~1
In an effort tO boost the city-state’s low binh rate,SingapOre’s Ngee Ann POlytechnic has launched agovernment-backed course teaching students about flirling andrelationshjps.Subjects incIude love son
当最后一片树叶从高高的枝头飘落下来,依偎在大地怀抱的时候,冬天来了;当最后一朵花儿在寒风中渐渐凋谢,幻化成粒粒细沙的时候,冬天来了;当最后一群大雁从高远的天空滑翔而过,寻觅栖息地的时候,冬天来了……  冬天如一首玲瓏的五言诗,于平平仄仄中彰显清新的意韵,恰似一幅空灵的山水画,于点染勾勒中吐纳出浓浓诗意。在我心中,冬天是一年四季中最富有韵味的季节。  在经历了春之明媚,夏之热烈,秋之丰硕后,冬则更显