Ultrasonic Effect on Fabrication of Intercalated Mg Al-LDH/PVA Nanocomposite Via Exfoliation-adsorpt

来源 :功能材料信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihaolong2005
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Preparation for Glycine-Mg/Al-Layered dou-ble hydroxide(LDH-G)/PVA nanocompositeswas carried out via exfoliation-adsorption routebased on exfoliation of LDH-G in formamide.Theeffect of ultrasonic treatment on the fabrication ofLDH-G/PVA nanocomposites was investigated,and the thermal stability of PVA containing the na-no-scale dispersed LDH-G was analyzed.The re-sults of XRD suggest that chains of PVA with double Preparation for Glycine-Mg / Al-Layered dou-ble hydroxide (LDH-G) / PVA nanocomposites was carried out via exfoliation-adsorption route based on exfoliation of LDH-G in formamide. The effect of ultrasonic treatment on the fabrication of LDH-G / PVA nanocomposites was investigated, and the thermal stability of PVA containing the na-no-scale dispersed LDH-G was analyzed. The re-sults of XRD suggest that the chains of PVA with double
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