The Characters and Effect of Potassium in the Aeolian Sand Soil on Growth and Quality of Wine-Grapes

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq81194913
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The paper reports the study on validity, absorbing and using in potassium of wine-grapes grown on aeolian sandy soil in Ningxia. The result shows that the content of slow release potassium and available potassium is low. The amount of available potassium and fixed potassium increases with raising amount of applied potash. Slow release potassium can be quickly replenished when available potassium is depleted, but slow release potassium is exhausted too, and the buffering capacity of supplying potassium is low. The content of potassium in grains and plants increases with the increasing amount of applied K in different treatments. The sequence of potassium recovery rate in different soil is as follows: sand-loam>fine-sand>coarse-sand. The capacity of supplying potassium in high-fertility soil is better than that in low-fertility soil, and rate of potassium recovery is high. Potassium nutrient affects growth and quality of wine-grapes. The paper reports the study on validity, absorbing and using in potassium of wine-grapes grown on aeolian sandy soil in Ningxia. The result shows that the content of slow release potassium and available potassium is low. The amount of available potassium and fixed potassium increases with raising amount of applied potash. Slow release potassium can be quickly replenished when available potassium is depleted, but slow release potassium is exhausted too, and the buffering capacity of supplying potassium is low. The content of potassium in grains and plants increases with the increasing amount of applied K in different treatments. The sequence of potassium recovery rate in different soil is as follows: sand-loam> fine-sand> coarse-sand. The capacity of supplying potassium in high-fertility soil is better than that in low- fertility soil, and rate of potassium recovery is high. Potassium nutrient affects growth and quality of wine-grapes.
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