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  1. Introduction
  English is the world’ s first language. (Ellis, 2011) And because of its practicality and highly pro-gaze, there are many people in learning English from every country. It is speaking, reading and writing that were placed at first. Indeed, the language learning focuses on the practice, but the syntax is summarized from the rules of the organization the role of language practice, and to understand the syntax can reduce the blindness of language use, improve the ability to use language accurately, please do not ignore the role of syntax, especially in reading and writing, he can help you analyze clearly the sentence structure, seize the main points of the sentence, but also help you to write complex and beautiful long sentence.
  The purpose we learn English grammar is to use the language.I think the syntax of a language is like a crutch. When we can not walk or when we encounter difficulties, we will think of it. The normal person is not and should not always think in the normal use of language syntax. When we want our standard of English to a higher realm, we have to use this cane to give us a hand.
  2. Research
  Many people said that a problem of English language learners is the study of English grammar. It’s difficult not only because the system is large, complex, memorizing large amount, but also because they do not know how to start with grammar learning. Most of the makeup system marketed in grammar books were compiled in order to nouns, articles, pronouns and verb agreement, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions, the verb (phrase) and verb tense, non-predicate verb and absolute construction. Modal verbs and subjunctive, complex sentence, elliptical sentence and disjunctive Questions, Communicative English and so on.
  This presentation has a certain effect on syntax-based learners while will be very difficult to the basis of weak learners. Word of course is the basic unit of any one language and English is no exception. Everyone whether it is in everyday conversation, work, study, or reading a book, reading the newspaper, writing articles, the use of certain words or phrases composed of sentences according to certain conventions. But the current grammar book is mainly focused on words rather than sentences, focusing on the use of the word to each other fragmented rather than how to properly use the word to complete sentences.Moreover, the traditional grammar teaching method is the teachers carefully explain and the students diligently practice, which is the use of theory before practice teaching mode. Teachers and students accustomed to the judgment of the multiple-choice test, to consolidate the knowledge of the language and it seems the only way both teachers and students considered tacit understanding.   However, this kind of grammar teaching is not the best training methods. First of all, the memory of the grammar does not guarantee the correct use of language. Language teaching was not I taught you, more than I speak and you listen. We can not learn a language by listening, just like swimming, football, learning a language must have a large number of participation and this approach to guide students’ attention in the grasp of language knowledge, rather than forming the ability to use language.
  Second, the subjectivity of students did not truly reflect in this process and the teachers are still the masters of the classroom. The lives and interests of the students did not get attention and their psychological and physiological characteristics are not getting enough attention, the initiative did not get full play.
  3. Conclusion
  The study of grammar can help students to understand and master English easily. It can actively promote the students’ interests in English learning. If you like the others consider syntax is not important and there is no need to learn, then you’re wrong. Students can through reading, remembering more words, writing sentences to master grammar. So that students will get a multiplier effect.
  [1]陳芳芳,王倩,巩方玉.How to Improve the Interest for Learning English Grammar[J].校园英语,2017.07.26.
  [2]Canale,M.and Swain,M.Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to secondlanguage teaching and testing.Applied Linguistics,1980(1).
  [3]Hymes,D.On communicative competence.The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching.Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1972.
  [4]Longman,M.The least a second-language acquisition theory needs to explain.Long dictionary of contemporary English,1987.
【摘要】彼得·纽马克提出的语义翻译和交际翻译对翻译实践具有重要指导意义。《独立宣言》是美国最重要的立国文书之一,属于表情文本范畴,本文选取《独立宣言》的五个汉译本为研究对象,通过具体实例来分析语义翻译和交际翻译在其中的应用,希望能对表情文本的翻译实践提供一定的参考。  【关键词】语义翻译 交际翻译 翻译实践 《独立宣言》  【Abstract】Peter Newmark proposed sema
【摘要】英美文学作品为影视剧的创作提供了很多灵感。由这些文学作家改编的影视剧作品受到了观众的高度认可,也使人们开始思考英美文学作品在影视剧中的艺术价值。本文以《简爱》为例,探索英美文学作品在影视剧中的艺术价值,意在起到抛砖引玉之用。  【关键词】英美文学作品 影视剧 艺术价值 《简爱》  一、前言  在文化表达领域,有文学作品和影视剧这两种不同的传播媒介,它们以其自身的特色吸引着人们的注意力,展示
【摘要】在较多的高中生看来,学好英语学科的整体难度是相对较大的。这是由于,学生通常都要识记大量单词并且熟悉特定语法,然后将其适用于解答英语学科的习题中。然而实质上,高中生如果拥有了课堂学习必需的方法,那么将会妥善应对英语课堂,进而优化了自身现阶段的英语学习实效性。为此在学习英语时,高中生有必要探求适合自身的课堂学习模式,改进现阶段的学科学习方法。  【关键词】高中英语 课堂学习 具体方法  在现阶
知佳乘坐的公交车在快进站时遇到了红灯,停了下来,她发现了等在公交站里的我,拼命地挥手,我也挥手回应。不过,突然觉得自己的形象有些邋遢。  公交车终于进站了,车门刚一打开,知佳就迫不及待地跳了下来。我觉得此时的她最可爱。  “爸爸!”知佳一下车就紧紧地抱住了我,“好久不见。”  “不是上周刚见过吗?”  “因为不是每天见,所以可以那么说吧……”听了我的答话,知佳神情落寞地笑着说。  我和美穗子離婚已
【摘要】英语是现代教育中的一门公共必修课,在中职院校中,也是主要文化课之一,随着经济全球化的发展,学好英语的重要性越来越凸显,不过大部分中职生的英语水平较其他高等院校的学生要弱,同时也缺乏学习热情,因此,中职英语教育者如何激发学生的英语学习兴趣就成了目前需要解决的问题,笔者经过自身的教学经验,结合教学实践,对这一问题进行了研究,对如何激发中职生的英语学习兴趣浅显的谈谈自己的看法。  【关键词】中职
Dear sir/madam:  Good morning/afternoon! I’m really appreciated for your patience of giving me the opportunity to share my topic with you! One thing you need to know about China—Motherland committing
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【摘要】阅读理解是英语能力培养的重点项目,既是高中英语学习的核心,也是英语考试的重要题型。其中,分值高、题量大是高中英语阅读理解最普遍的特征。英语阅读理解的学习并不是一蹴而就的,而是需要经过一段漫长的学习和积累过程。本文主要分享了在学习高中英语阅读理解时的一些心得,旨在为高中学生的英语阅读理解学习提供一些参考。  【关键词】高中 英语阅读理解 难点 技巧  前言  阅读速度和理解力是决定英语阅读理
【摘要】对大部分中职学生来说课堂是他们接触英语的唯一场所,而传统的班级授课制因其单一的教学形式,在时间和空间上束缚着英语教学实践活动的开展,课堂教学为学生全面发展所提供的环境和条件比较狭窄,制约着学生能力的发展,不能适应当今新课程改革的需要,且中职英语教学跟普通高中教学无论在教学节奏和生源方面都存在巨大的不同。在这种情况下,我们必然要研究一种新的能带给课堂无限动力和活力的“张力”课堂。  【关键词