翔实的记录 有益的探索——读《韩中经济交流现场论》

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1992年8月24日,中韩两国政府在北京签署了历史性的建交协定,揭开了两国关系的新篇章。建交6年多来,双方关系得到全面、迅速地发展,不但为两国共同利益,也为东北亚及亚太地区的和平与发展事业做出了宝贵贡献。进入21世纪,中韩建交的巨大价值和深远影响将继续显现出来。 On August 24, 1992, the Chinese and South Korean governments signed a historic agreement on establishing diplomatic relations in Beijing, opening a new chapter in the relations between the two countries. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations six years ago, the relations between the two countries have been fully and rapidly developing. They have not only contributed to the common interests of both countries, but also made valuable contributions to the cause of peace and development in Northeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. In the 21st century, the tremendous value and profound influence of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea will continue to emerge.
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“青春啊,永远是美好的!可是真正的青春,只属于力争上游的、忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人。” ——雷锋 江苏省灌南县交通局秘书唐建法,在平凡的秘书岗位上,将自己15个青春岁月
斜纹夜蛾学名:Prodenia litura(Fabri-cius)属鳞翅目,夜蛾科,别名莲纹夜蛾、莲纹夜盗蛾。分布于全国各地,是全国各地蔬菜等作物上的重要害虫,该虫原属间歇性害虫,近几年来,由
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《重庆晚报》2003年6月7日4版有这样一则报道: 涪陵五中原名涪陵书院,创办于1911年,是涪陵最老的学校。有当地人称,解放前,这所学校曾经出过举人。科举制度是从隋唐到清代的
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