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10t交流桥式起重机是工厂常见的一种起重机械。它有多种保护功能,如:为了保障维修人员的安全,在驾驶室舱盖门及横梁栏杆门上都装有安全开关。其常开触头与主接触器控制线圈串联。若有人由驾驶舱门或从大车两端跨入桥架时,安全开关随着门的开启分断触头,使主接触器断电释放,切断电源,起重机不能起动运行,从而保证了人身安全。 但是,在实际工作中,由于管理不善、操作不当,时有事故发生。例如:1990年1月11日,我厂电工周×接受检修一分厂10t天车的任务。当时,电冶工段停产,他登上天车驾驶室拉断总开关后,攀梯拉开舱盖,由舱口攀上桥架,找到故障点后,他蹲在小车轨道与滑线间进行处理。突然距他不远处的小车向他飞速冲来,他急忙呼叫,但为时已晚, 10t AC bridge crane is a common crane factory machinery. It has a variety of protection features, such as: In order to protect the safety of maintenance personnel, equipped with a safety switch on the cabin door and the railings railing. Its normally open contact with the main contactor control coil in series. If someone from the cockpit door or from the cart into the bridge at both ends, the safety switch with the door open breaking contacts, the main contactor power off, cut off the power, the crane can not start running, thus ensuring personal safety. However, in actual work, due to poor management, improper operation, there are always accidents. For example: January 11, 1990, I Electrician Week × plant overhaul a branch 10t crane task. At that time, the Metallurgical section of the cut-off, he boarded the Crane Cab pulled off the main switch, the ladder opened the hatch, climbed from the hatch on the bridge to find the point of failure, he squatted between the car track and slippery line for processing. Suddenly he was not far away from the car rushed to him quickly, he hurriedly called, but it was too late,
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