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《察传》和《察今》都是选自《吕氏春秋》的名篇,两篇文章都引用事例和寓言故事,都运用了正反论证的方法,都强调了“察”的重要性,这是两文的共同之处。但由于《察今》是针对政治与政策的方针而作,提出的是“世易时移,变法宜矣”的重大路线问题,而《察传》则针对人们认识问题的思想方法而作,提出“得言不可以不察”的论点。要变“先王之法”,这是一般人,尤其是君王、大臣们难以接受的;而要审察传言,则不致于遭到公开的反对,只不过有些人认识不足、方法不当罢了。所以为阐明题旨,两文的论证方法又有着明显的区别。 (一)从论点的提出来看《察今》以设问开篇,首段先提出“上胡不法先王之法”的问题。然后从反面立论入手,阐释“先王之法不可得而法”的道理,宣扬了“察今”的论题。第三段紧接着引用“荆人袭宋”的故事,用类比的方法说明泥守先王之法的害处。在此基础 Both “Cha Chuan” and “Chaxian” are famous articles selected from “Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals.” Both articles use examples and fables, and they both apply the method of positive and negative argument, all emphasizing the importance of “inspection” This is what the two languages ​​have in common. However, since “Chaxian” is a policy that is directed at politics and policy, it proposes a major line issue that “the time is easy to shift and the reform should be carried out.” “Disciple Biography” is directed at people's thinking and methods of understanding the problem, Proposed “can not be out of touch with the argument” argument. It is unacceptable for the average person, especially the kings and ministers, to change the law of kings. And if we want to examine the rumors, we will not be openly opposed to it. However, some people do not have enough understanding and methods to do so. Therefore, in order to clarify the theme, two methods of argument have obvious differences. (1) From the point of view of proposition, “Chaxian” starts with the question and answer, and the first paragraph first puts forward the question of “law on the wrongdoing and kings”. Then we start from the opposite side to explain the truth of “the law of kings is not available” and preach the thesis of “inspecting present”. The third paragraph is followed by quoting the story of “Jing attacking the Song” and using analogy to illustrate the harmful effects of the law of the clay king. Based on this
在古汉语中,有时会发现这样的句子,如: ①士无贤不肖,皆谦而礼交之。(《信陵君窃符救赵》) ②左右以君贱之也,食以草具。(《冯(?)客孟尝君》) ③一切异状遍试之,无出其右者
“界而未界”,单看起来似乎不通,可是如果前面加上“隔而不隔”,并用于句子中,意思就明显了。请看: ①墙壁上有砖砌的各式镂空图案,廊子大多是两边无所依傍的,实际是隔而不
戏剧史上有这样的例子 ,由于剧作家不肯轻易地消解戏剧冲突 ,使一个很可能默默无闻的剧本成为旷世杰作。这个剧本就是易卜生的《玩偶之家》。做出这一评述的是萧伯纳。这位睿
日本的小学国语教育,战前可以说是文字中心教育,而战后的国语教育,则认为文字已不应再做为文字,而应做为语言进行教学,因而便开始着力于语言的教育、词语的教育了。 Japane