Upregulation of annexin A5 affects the biological behaviors of lung squamous carcinoma cells in vitr

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Annexin A5 is a Ca2?-dependent phospholipidbinding protein and protein kinase C inhibitory protein. It has a potential role in cellular signal transduction, inflammation, growth and differentiation. In this study, we evaluated the expression of this protein in lung tumor tissues and subsequently established a NCI-H520 cell line that stably expresses the wild-type ANXA5 gene to determine the effects of annexin A5 upregulation on the cell morphology, proliferation and metastasis potential in vitro.The effects of annexin A5 on NCI-H520 cells were tested by crystal violet staining, CCK-8 assay, scratch wound assay, and Transwell assay. The expressions of Akt,PCNA, vimentin, and E-cadherin were examined by Western blot assay. In this study, we demonstrated that annexin A5 is expressed at lower levels in tumor tissues compared with normal tissues. Additionally, the upregulation of this protein may inhibit the proliferation, migration, and invasion abilities of NCI-H520 cells in vitro. The transfected cells were arrested in the G1/S phase of the cell cycle, and the expression levels of Akt, PCNA and Vimentin were downregulated, while E-cadherin was upregulated. Annexin A5 is a Ca2? -dependent phospholipid binding protein and protein kinase C inhibitory protein. It has a potential role in cellular signal transduction, inflammation, growth and differentiation. In this study, we evaluated the expression of this protein in lung tumor tissues and subsequently established a NCI-H520 cell line that stably expresses the wild-type ANXA5 gene to determine the effects of annexin A5 upregulation on the cell morphology, proliferation and metastasis potential in vitro. The effects of annexin A5 on NCI-H520 cells were tested by crystal The expression of Akt, PCNA, vimentin, and E-cadherin were examined by Western blot assay. In this study, we demonstrate that annexin A5 is expressed at lower levels in tumor tissues compared with normal tissues. The upregulation of this protein may inhibit the proliferation, migration, and invasion abilities of NCI-H520 cells in vitro. The tr ansfected cells were arrested in the G1 / S phase of the cell cycle, and the expression levels of Akt, PCNA and Vimentin were downregulated, while E-cadherin was upregulated.
摘 要:在小学美术教育的教学中,教师通常将教学的重点放在对画作的作者和画作本身的讲解当中,很少在教学过程中将不同的艺术文化与教学的内容相融合,使得教师所讲授的课程比较单一、乏味。不利于学生培养对美术的兴趣爱好,新课改规定要在学校美术课课程时,在教学的内容中融入不同艺术文化,以培养学生对艺术的兴趣和人文的精神。因此本文对教学教育中不同艺术文化的融合进行探讨,提出笔者对教学中该如何将不同艺术文化与教学
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摘 要:在初中数学的教学过程中,学生直觉思维的培养有着非常重要的意义。随着新课程改革的不断推进,课堂教学直觉思维的培养要求又变得更高了,也需要新的方式方法促进。初中数学直觉思维的培养,对学生提升学习效率,提高教师的教学有效性都有着非常重要的作用。本篇文章就新课程理念下初中数学直觉思维的培养进行简要的分析与讨论,为理论实践提供参考。  关键词:新课程;初中数学;直觉思维培养;实践研究  直觉思维也就
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