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“急危重病人呼救,上门接诊免车费!”不久前,钦州市第一人民医院向社会公开推出了这一掷地有声的服务承诺。据悉,这项承诺的推出,意味着该医院每年将让利给老百姓100万元以上。这是钦州市卫生系统认真践行保持共产党员先进性,全面落实科学发展观,不断推进卫生管理,纠正行业不正之风和为群众谋福利办实事的一个缩影。 “Acute critically ill patients for help, door-to-door admissions free fare!” Not long ago, Qinzhou First People’s Hospital to the community launched this throwing sound service commitment. It is reported that the promulgation of this commitment means that the hospital will give none other than the annual 1 million yuan. This is a microcosm of the Qinzhou City Health System earnestly practicing the principle of keeping the advanced nature of Party members, implementing the scientific concept of development in an all-round way, continuously promoting health management, correcting unhealthy practices in the industry, and providing benefits to the masses.
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Aims: To investigate the epidemiology of illness among young infants at remote health clinics in a rural developing country, and to determine risk factors for m
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深圳市第四人民医院香蜜湖分院,又称福田人民医院香蜜湖分院,是一所以风湿性疾病诊治 为中心的国有公立风湿病专科医院,也是广东医学院的附属医院,集科研、教学、医疗、康复