Host cellular micro RNA involvement in the control of hepatitis B virus gene expression and replicat

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:studyrec
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A large number of studies have demonstrated that the synergistic collaboration of a number of micro RNAs(mi RNAs), their growth factors and their downstream agents is required for the initiation and completion of pathogenesis in the liver. mi RNAs are thought to exert a profound effect on almost every aspect of liver biology and pathology. Accumulating evidence indicates that several mi RNAs are involved in the hepatitis B virus(HBV) life cycle and infectivity, in addition to HBVassociated liver diseases including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). In turn, HBV can modulate the expression of several cellular mi RNAs, thus promoting a favorable environment for its replication and survival. In this review, we focused on the involvement of host cellular mi RNAs that are directly and indirectly associated with HBV RNA or HBV associated transcription factors. Exploring different facets of the interactions among mi RNA, HBV and HCV infections, and the carcinogenesis and progress of HCC, could facilitate the development of novel and effective treatment approaches for liver disease. A large number of studies have demonstrated that the synergistic collaboration of a number of micro RNAs (mi RNAs), their growth factors and their downstream agents is required for the initiation and completion of pathogenesis in the liver. Mi RNAs are thought to exert a profound effect on almost every aspect of liver biology and pathology. Accumulating evidence that that several mi RNAs are involved in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) life cycle and infectivity, in addition to HBVassociated liver diseases including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In turn, HBV can modulate the expression of several cellular mi RNAs, thus promoting a favorable environment for its replication and survival. In this review, we focused on the involvement of host cellular mi RNAs that are directly and indirectly associated with HBV RNA or HBV associated transcription factors. Exploring different facets of the interactions among mi RNA, HBV and HCV infections, and the carcinogenesis and p rogress of HCC, could facilitate the development of novel and effective treatment approaches for liver disease.
酯化反应是有机化学中的一种重要反应类型,是醇跟羧酸或含氧无机酸生成酯和水的反应。下面将其主要规律及典型应用归纳如下。  反应规律  1. 从成键和断键角度看  酯化反应属于取代反应,也是可逆反应,酯化时从哪个地方形成新键,水解时还在哪个地方断键。  例1 CH3COOH和H18O—C2H5混合发生酯化反应,已知酯化反应是可逆反应,反应达到平衡后下列说法正确的是( )  A. 18O存在于所有物质里
秋儿今年26岁,正在就读研究生二年级,她主攻计算机编程,平时成绩在班里也算比较突出,称得上是整个计算机系里为数不多的优秀者之一。说起来,女生学理科实属不易,更何况是在计算机专业中学得出众就更难了。她一直不认为自己是个聪明人,所谓笨鸟先飞,其他人如果需要花费一分的努力,她却要付出十分的劲头,其中的艰辛只有她自己知道。平时她内向,话少,朋友不多,别人都称她是个“冰美人 ”或“书呆子”。不管周围人如何看
压力分精神与物理两个领域的定义。物理定义具有客观属性,而精神领域指环境中的刺激所引起的人体的一种非特异性反应,即应激。也有将压力定义为外部压力事件的刺激作用,个人关系、工作和经济状况等生活变化都会形成压力。物理压力往往容易逃避,而精神压力往往铺天盖地,让人无法逃避。常常表现为郁闷、武断、压抑、急燥、敌对等不良情绪。  压力的来源有好的,比如职务提高,责任加重,工作量加大。多数是不好的,如工作时间过
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