
来源 :山东教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yfan828
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小街两旁合欢花还在整日里轻轻飘落,人家房前屋后的枣树枣子却透出红意来了。卖粽子的大嫂午间总扯着嗓子沿街叫卖,声音高高低低。有时突然听不到叫卖声,那是她正踮着脚摘树上的枣子吃呢。那家的花狗懒洋洋地趴在大门口,看有人摘自家的枣子,依旧趴那儿,理也不理。我买粽子的时候,刘老太也在买。刘老太问有蜜枣粽子吗?回说只有小枣粽子了,要蜜枣的得等明天了。 Acacia flowers on both sides of the street are still falling gently throughout the day, people in front of the house jujube jujube but revealed the meaning of Italy. Sisters selling dumplings noon pulled the throat along the street, the sound of high and low. Suddenly she could not hear the barking sound, and she was eating the dates on the trees. That flower dog lazily lying in front of the gate, watching someone pick dates from their homes, still lying there, reason ignored. When I buy dumplings, Mrs. Liu is also buying. Liu Laotai asked the jujube dumplings it? Back to the only jujube dumplings, and so have to date candied tomorrow.
今秋 ,高中应试教育的硝烟尚未散去 ,高中课程改革的大潮在实验区已扑面而来。对于那些身处实验区一线的历史教师来说 ,课改实验区既非“天堂” ,也非“地狱” ,而是真真切切
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数学归纳法是数学中最基本也是最重要的方法之一 .中学数学中的一些概念、公式、定理及很多的命题 ,通过数学归纳法导出和证明更符合学生的认知特点 ,也符合人们从特殊到一般
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