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养马岛东西狭长,从空中俯瞰,像极了一只硕大的海参静卧在碧水中,繁茂的绿树是它挺起的肉刺;隔海相望,小岛又如一艘巨舰劈波斩浪于大海间,自西向东隆起的山脊似它高高的舰桥。这个以秦始皇曾在此养马而蜚声海内外的小岛,历经千百年风雨淘洗后,秦皇战马的遗迹早已湮没无存,只有新建的赛马场、昂首嘶鸣的骏马和海中奔马的群雕还能让人浮想联翩到它的历史。然而,对于初次登岛的我来说,给了我意外惊喜的却是另一种遗存——遍布于小岛的古民居。 Yangma Island things long and narrow, overlooking the sky, like a huge sea cucumber lying in the clear water, the lush green trees it is up the thorn; across the sea, the island is like a ship chopping waves in the sea Between the ridge rising from west to east seems to be its high bridge. This Qin Shi Huang has been here in raising horses and renowned at home and abroad after thousands of years of stormy wash, the remains of the Qinhuang Horse has long been annihilated, only the newly built racecourse, head neighing horse and sea horse Group carving can also make people think of imagination to its history. However, for the first visit to the island, I was surprised to find another legacy - ancient dwellings scattered across the island.
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今秋 ,高中应试教育的硝烟尚未散去 ,高中课程改革的大潮在实验区已扑面而来。对于那些身处实验区一线的历史教师来说 ,课改实验区既非“天堂” ,也非“地狱” ,而是真真切切
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数学归纳法是数学中最基本也是最重要的方法之一 .中学数学中的一些概念、公式、定理及很多的命题 ,通过数学归纳法导出和证明更符合学生的认知特点 ,也符合人们从特殊到一般
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