发展经贸 兴林富民

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莫尔道嘎林业局党政领导认真学习邓小平同志南巡讲话精神,更新观念,审时度势,大胆决策。以经贸为振兴企业的支点,实施南联北开,促进其它产业联动,带动经济的新型循环,广泛吸收利用外资,引进先进技术设备,对内加强横向经济联合与协作,对外扩大经济贸易。经过半年多的努力,已取得明显的成果。这个局挑选得力的人才,成立了经贸公司,挂上了呼盟国际技术合作公司第50业务部、额尔古纳右旗边贸公司第20业务部等牌子,以不同的身分广结贸易伙伴,洽谈生 Party leaders and leaders of Moerda Ga Forestry Bureau conscientiously studied the spirit of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s speech in the southern tour, updated his concepts, reviewed the current situation and made bold decisions. Take economic and trade as the fulcrum for the revitalization of the enterprises, implement the new linkage of the South Union to the north and promote the linkage of other industries and the new economy, absorb and utilize foreign capital extensively, introduce advanced technology and equipment, intensify the horizontal economic cooperation and cooperation with China, and expand the economy and trade externally. After more than six months of hard work, remarkable results have been achieved. This Council selected capable personnel, the establishment of economic and trade companies, linked to UNITA International Technical Cooperation 50 business unit, the Ergun Right Banner border trade company 20 business and other brands, in different capacities to trade partners, Negotiate students
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为进一步规范对村级财务的管理,明确责任,近日,台儿庄区马兰屯乡经管站分别与村级财务“双代管”工作的记账员、出纳员及村会计签订了目标责任书。责任书要求记账员对所 In
简要介绍了嘉浏互通立交设计中的一些值得注意的问题,以及作者在立交设计过程中的一些见解和想法。 It briefly introduces some noteworthy issues in the design of Jia-L
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