丽江、香格里拉 命运交叉的旅行

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是物理距离和地理条件的阻隔,让丽江和香格里拉一度沉默在自足自立的生长往复中。不甘寂寞的是外来的人,最先是西人,然后是国人,终于让旅游版图扩张至此,一步步将清净独立的这里变成了超级游客和背包客的天堂。比如在丽江大研古城里,居住了几个世代的纳西居民,现在渐渐搬到了新城里的楼房,丽江古城成了游人们的古城。但凡有些人文感、历史感的人士不禁要怀念过去原始而自足的丽、香,谴责游人掠夺性的踏足,对无法抵御的“文化大融合”则望洋兴叹。这当然不乏书生意气和自我催生出来的诗意幻想。不可忽略的是,这里的“原住民”们,收获了物质上的实惠:为丽江悦榕庄开车的李林,使用的是诺基亚的大屏幕手机,家中拥有两台车和一户宽敞的纳西庭院;仁安悦榕庄的藏族导游肖龙,用的也是诺基亚的彩屏手机,并且在近4000米的高原收讯良好,在他的村庄里,拜悦 Is the physical distance and geographical barriers, so that Lijiang and Shangri-La was once silent in the self-reliance growth and development. Unswept of foreign people, the first is the Westerners, and then people, and finally expand the tourist territory so far, a step by step clean and independent here has become a paradise for super tourists and backpackers. For example, in the ancient city of Lijiang Dayan, Naxi residents who lived for several generations, and now gradually moved to the buildings in the New City, Lijiang Ancient City became the ancient city of tourists. However, those who have a sense of humanity and a sense of history can not help but miss the original and self-contained beauty and fragrance, condemn the predatory footsteps of tourists, and marvel at the unbreakable “cultural fusion.” Of course, there are many poetic fantasies and self-motivated students. Not to be overlooked is that the “Aborigines” here reap material benefits: Li Lin, who drives the Banyan Tree Lijiang, uses a large-screen Nokia mobile phone with two cars and a spacious Naxi courtyard; Banyan Tree Yanren Tibetan guide Xiao Long, also using Nokia’s color screen mobile phone, and close to 4000 meters in the plateau received good, in his village,
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