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龙口海关实行对外承诺服务制度为更好地贯彻“促进为主”的方针,改进服务,提高效率,强化社会监督,同时树立起良好的海关形象,近日,龙口海关实行对外承诺服务制度。主要内容是:在企业申请的事项符合国家政策及海关的监管规定,提供的单证合法、齐全、正确、有效,且... Longkou Customs Implementing Service System of Commitment to Foreign Commitments In order to better implement the policy of “promoting improvement mainly”, improve service, improve efficiency and strengthen social supervision, establish a good customs image. Longkou Customs recently implemented the service system of external commitment. The main content is: Matters in business applications in line with national policies and regulatory requirements of the Customs, the documents provided by the law, complete, correct, effective, and ...
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