
来源 :少年月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pig2540840
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又到了年终岁末,一年中最激动人心的时刻。当新年钟声敲响的时候,红彤彤的春联和灯笼在夜空中闪耀(yao)着热情,热腾(teng)腾香喷(pen)喷的饺子引人食欲,还有满眼的火树银花不时发出欢快的声音,如果碰上下雪天那就更好了,雪片仿佛五彩缤纷在硝烟中荡漾(yang)的 To the end of year-end year, the most exciting moment of the year. When the New Year bell sounded, the bright red couplets and lanterns shone with enthusiasm in the night sky, the teng tang of pen-fried dumplings attracted appetite, and the eyed tree of fire rose from time to time The sound, if it touches the snowy day, the better, the snowball seems to be colorful in the rippling smoke
今jīn天tiān我wǒ跟ɡēn嘴zuǐ里li这zhè颗kē可kě怜lián的de牙yá齿chǐ说shuō“再zài见jiàn”。牙yá齿chǐ问wèn:“为wèi什shén么me要yào跟ɡēn我wǒ说shuō‘再zài见jiàn’?”“因yīn为wèi你nǐ快kuài要yào掉diào了le,所suǒ以yǐ我wǒ要yào跟ɡēn你nǐ告ɡào别bié。”  牙yá齿chǐ有yǒu点diǎn难n
In a nanoscale friction test,wear of an atomic force microscope(AFM)tip is inevitable.The shape of the worn tip influences the friction force measured.In order
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