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   The Dordogne region in southwestern France is known for a very special delicacy: foie gras. The Lasserre family in the town of Marquay has been producing it with geese for decades. They allow their geese free range for three months; then the birds are penned and force-fed corn for the last three weeks of their lives.
   Kléber Lasserre: (via translator) The corn kernels are soaked in water and fat is added. That way they slide down the birds’throats better.
   These geese are being prepared to meet demand for Christmas. They get corn forced down their throats three times a day. Ginette Lasserre: (via translator)You have to be careful so you don’t injure the animals. If a goose tenses up from fear, we massage its neck until it relaxes, and we can slip the pipe down its throat. Our goal is for the birds to put on weight quickly. At the start of the fattening period, they weigh around six kilos. Three weeks later, they’re nine kilos, and their livers weigh 800 to 900 grams.
   And it’s that liver, enlarged five times its normal weight, that’s the point of this all. It’s considered a highlight of French cuisine. The majority of foie gras comes not from small farms, but from large agricultural businesses.
   Animal welfare activists consider foie gras production to be pure cruelty. Force-feeding to produce foie gras is prohibited in 17 countries. And because foie gras is produced in such large quantities in France, French farmers are fighting against damage to their image.
   At this experimental farm run by the Chamber of Agriculture, resourceful researchers are trying to prove that animals don’t really suffer from the force-feeding. They say the geese simply have to be prepared for it while they’re still free range.
   Jean-Pierre DuBois (Coulaures Agricultural Research Center): (via translator)We feed them only once a day. Within ten days, they eat 300-400 grams of corn in just a few minutes. That helps to stretch their crop. Look at the geese coming out now. Their crops are really round like a ball. There’s water and corn in there.
   Visitor: (via translator)Doesn’t that hurt them?
   Jean-Pierre: (via translator)No, they do that themselves with no problem. It’s a kind of training for the geese.
   Foie gras production is an important economic factor in France, one that employs some 35,000 people. That’s one reason why Paris has so far ignored the protests from other European countries. Another is that the vast majority of foie gras is consumed in France itself.    Foie gras as a cultural icon—if Brussels banned force-feeding, says Herve Chassain, a reporter for a local newspaper, that would be a declaration of war on France.
   Herve:(via translator)People here would turn away Europe even more. They’ve already voted massively against the EU treaties, and that would really put them in opposition.
   The ninety-five-year-old grandmother Madame Lassere says the expensive delicacy foie gras used to be eaten almost daily.
   Alice Lesserre: (via translator)We’ve always done the force-feeding, at least as far back as the 17th century. So what’s the problem? It’s better if the geese are fatter. There’s more meat then, too.
   The French are happy to see themselves as the leaders of the resistance against a ban on foie gras from force-feeding. Bulgaria and Hungary, which also produce small amounts of force-fed foie gras, are certainly grateful for that. And officials in Brussels will surely think twice about a ban, not wanting to cause a feud with an entire nation.
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