
来源 :婚育与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckyphilip
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我国儿童约有5%左右是肥胖儿,这个事实应当引起全社会的高度重视了。随着社会的进步,对培养人才提出了更高的要求,仅德、智、体三方面的发展已不能很好地满足社会的需求。现在为了适应改革开放,新时期对儿童应当提出新要求是:健康的身体,健美的体态,德、智、体、美四方面均衡发展,这也是事业成功的一个重要条件。肥胖不但会形成社交和工作效率等方的 About 5% of our children are fat children, a fact that should arouse the attention of the whole society. With the progress of society, higher requirements have been put forth on the cultivation of qualified personnel. Only the development of moral, intellectual and physical development can not meet the needs of the community well. Nowadays, in order to adapt to the reform and opening up, new requirements for children in the new period should be set forth as follows: a healthy body and a bodybuilder with a balanced development in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects are also an important condition for the success of the enterprise. Obesity will not only create social and work efficiency and other parties
每一次的教学活动能否取得预定的效果,归根到底将取决与学生这一主体参与的态度、状态和程度。如果没有绝大多数学生积极主动、全身心的投入,没有学生自始至终地动手、动脑,教师的教学目标、计划乃至费时费力所做的实践活动都将流于形式,很难达到预期的效果。如何才能提高学生品德课堂学习效率呢?最根本的就是引导学生主动参与学习的过程,让学生产生一种学习拥有感,最大限度地调动和发挥学生的积极性、主动性和创造性。 中国