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目的:对比分析孕晚期B族链球菌(GBS)感染和未感染孕妇临床资料,分析GBS感染孕妇正规治疗和未完成正规治疗的母婴结局情况。方法:选取2018年7月至2019年6月在本院产科门诊进行例行产检的妊娠晚期孕妇,对其进行问卷调查和GBS采样。根据GBS检测结果分为GBS感染组与无GBS感染组。根据孕妇接受治疗的情况,进一步将GBS感染组分为完成正规治疗组和未完成正规治疗组。对所有入选的研究对象进行追踪随访,观察和记录产妇及新生儿结局情况。结果:本次研究共1 127例孕妇完成了GBS采样检测和随访,年龄(26.5±4.8)岁,孕周(36.6±0.9)周。142例孕妇感染了GBS,感染率为12.6%,其中104例(73.2%)在分娩前完成了正规的治疗。GBS感染组孕妇产后感染发生率(4.9% vs 0.9%,n P=0.001),新生儿感染发生率(2.1% vs 0.1%,n P=0.003),新生儿窒息发生率(2.8% vs 0.5%,n P=0.017),羊水污染发生率(4.2% vs 1.1%,n P=0.013)均显著高于无GBS感染组。GBS感染患者未完成正规治疗组产后感染的发生率(13.2% vs 1.9%,n P=0.021),羊水污染的发生率(15.8% vs 0,n P<0.001)均显著高于正规治疗组产妇。n 结论:妊娠晚期GBS感染对母婴产生不良的后果,GBS感染若不采取规范的治疗措施,母婴结局会更差,因此有必要对妊娠晚期孕妇开展B族链球菌筛查,并及早给以规范化治疗。“,”Objective:To compare the pregnancy outcome and neonates prognosis in the late pregnant women with or without group B streptococcus (GBS) infection, and the women with or without standard treatment for GBS, so as to provide scientific evidence for improving the maternal and infant prognosis.Methods:From July 2018 to June 2019, women in the late stage of pregnancy who came to Tongzhou Maternal & Child Health Hospital of Beijing for prenatal examination were selected in our study. Questionnaire survey and GBS sampling test were conducted. They were divided into two groups based on the result of GBS positive or negative, and women with GBS infection were further divided two groups whether they accepted standard treatment for GBS or not. All of them were followed up to observe and record the situation of pregnancy outcome and neonates prognosis.Results:1 127 women completed the GBS test and follow-up in this study with an average age of (26.5±4.8)years old and a mean gestation of (36.6±0.9)weeks. Of them, 142 women were tested for GBS positive, and the rate of GBS infection was 12.6%. 104 women (73.2%) accepted the standard treatment for GBS. The incidence of puerperium infection (4.9% vs 0.9%, n P=0.001), neonatal infection (2.1% vs 0.1%, n P=0.003), neonatal asphyxia (2.8% vs 0.5%, n P=0.017), amniotic fluid pollution (4.2% vs 1.1%, n P=0.013) in the GBS positive group were significantly higher than those of the GBS negative group. Furthermore, the incidence of puerperium infection (13.2% vs 1.9%, n P=0.021) and amniotic fluid pollution (15.8% vs 0, n P<0.001) in the group with out GBS standard treatment were significantly higher than the group with GBS standard treatment.n Conclusions:GBS infection in the late stage of pregnancy can significantly increase the incidence of infection, and the outcome for pregnant women and infant may be worse if they do not accept standard treatment. Therefore, GBS screening for pregnant women in the late stage of pregnancy and early effective treatment are very essential to improve the maternal and infant prognosis.
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