Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Determination of 4-methylsalicylic

来源 :陇东学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kwannew
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As potassium bichromate can be reduced by 4-methysalicylic acid to chromium(III) which enhance the CL intensity of luminol-H2O2 system,a new chemiluminescence system for the determination of 4-methysalicylic acid has been established.The relative CL intensity was correlated with salicylic acid concentration in the range 7.0×10-9~8.0×10-6 mol/L,and the detection limit was 1.0×10-9 mol/L.The relative standard deviation(n=8) for 4.0×10-7 mol/L 4-methysalicylic acid is 2.9%.The method has been applied to the determination of 4-methysalicylic acid in the bactericidal solutions with satisfactory results. As potassium bichromate can be reduced by 4-methysalicylic acid to chromium (III) which enhance the CL intensity of luminol-H2O2 system, a new chemiluminescence system for the determination of 4-methysalicylic acid has been established. The relative CL intensity was correlated with salicylic acid concentration in the range 7.0 × 10-9 to 8.0 × 10-6 mol / L, and the detection limit was 1.0 × 10-9 mol / L. The relative standard deviation (n = 8) for 4.0 × 10-7 mol / L 4-methysalicylic acid is 2.9%. The method has been applied to the determination of 4-methysalicylic acid in the bactericidal solutions with satisfactory results.
IHS析迈公司(IHS CMAI)于2011年9月9日在中国石油和化学工业联合会和IHS化学周刊组织的中国石油和化工国际会议上发布《全球石化工业展望》,报告指出, On September 9, 2011
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