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白毛藤俗名“金线绿毛(?)”,属茄科植物,是多年生蔓性灌木草本。茎蔓长达丈余,攀缘它物而上。叶互生、上端尖,基部呈心脏形。茎叶披有白毛。夏秋间叶腋长出花梗,分歧开花,花冠白色。花开后结果,秋冬成熟,呈红色。其藤及根供药用。主治黄疸,又能化瘀生新,清湿热,疗痔漏。选地与整地:本品原系野生于低山、丘陵、沟旁林荫湿润的地方,要把野生转为家种,宜选择阴湿松黑泥土壤进行移植。在立春后,选好土壤,经深耕细耙后,做畦宽三四尺,然后施以垃圾肥和人龚水或猪糞作基肥。每行株距一尺,挖穴深五寸左右。培植方法:1.分株繁殖:在惊蛰后,将白毛藤母株周围抽出长约尺许的幼苗,从根部分开,连根进行移植, The traditional name of the white hairy vine is “Gold thread green hair (?)”, a plant belonging to the nightshade family. It is a perennial shrub herb. The stem vine is more than ten feet long and climbs it up. The leaves are alternate, the tips are pointed, and the base is heart-shaped. Stem leaves covered with white hair. In the summer and autumn, leafhoppers grow pedicels, divergent flowers, and corolla white. After flowering, the autumn and winter are ripe and red. Its vines and roots are used for medicinal purposes. Indications of jaundice, but also the new phlegm, heat dampness, treatment leakage. Land selection and site preparation: This product was originally a wild and wet place in low mountains, hills, and ditch. To turn wild species into domestic species, it is better to choose wet and black mud soil for transplantation. After the beginning of spring, choose the soil, deep plowing, and then make a width of three or four feet, and then apply garbage fertilizer and people Gongshui or pig manure as base fertilizer. Each line is one foot away, and the digging depth is about five inches deep. Cultivation methods: 1. Breeding: After the convulsions, the young seedlings are removed from the surrounding area of ​​the mother vine, and the seedlings are opened from the root and transplanted.
全蝎为钳科动物东亚钳蝎Buthus martensiikarsch 的干燥体,清明至谷雨后捕捉者称为“春蝎”,质量较佳。夏季产量较高,称为“伏蝎”,因已食泥土品质较次。饲养蝎隔年在秋凉晚
西方后现代主义及其艺术固然对人类的艺术实践、艺术理论有一定的启发性, 它开创了艺术及其理论的新天地,其中不乏闪光之处。后现代艺术及其理论虽然对当代资本主义异化进行
作者对882名健康婴儿于2、4、12或15月龄随机接种b型流感杆菌-乙型肝炎(Hib-HB)双价疫苗COMVAX[O.5ml含磷酸聚核糖基核糖醇(PRP)7.5μg和HBsAg 5μg]或同时接种单价Hib菌苗(