
来源 :辽宁教育行政学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liunian2008
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课堂提问是启发式教学的必要手段。成功的课堂提问能引起学生探索的欲望,使学生分析问题、解决问题。但并非所有的提问都能发挥这样的作用。要使提问真正能启发学生思维,应该注意以下“八忌”。 一、忌大而无当,不着边际。如“读了这篇文章你有什么想法?”,“读了×文后,你有什么感觉?”这类提问笼统抽象,教师内在意图不够明确,学生不易回答。
Exposed by North China Aviation Bureau, Dazhong and Aokai, two airlines based on private capitals, have handed in their establishment applications to the North
<正> According to MOFTEC, in order to meet the new situations after China&#39;s entry to WTO, offer better investment promotion services for overseas and domest
<正> China achieved unprecedented breakthroughs in export growth in 2002. Will China be able to maintain a high growth rate in exports this year? Will there be
At the 7th International Franchise Operation Itinerant Exhibition held in China World Trade Center, Beijing investors showed great enthusiasm in it.
<正> Hong Kong Trade De velopment Council has established CEPABusiness Opportunity Centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and free hot line for CEPA busines
立志要做“社会的历史家”美国作家索尔&#183;贝娄(Saul Bellow,1915—),运用自己神奇的笔把现代人那颗苦痛、颤抖的心摆出来,让人们看那纤细无力的震颤,在猛然警醒中,去深思