续写新篇章 共铸新辉煌

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凯歌高奏辞旧岁,豪情满怀迎新年!乘着党的十八大召开的东风,我们送走了硕果累累的2012年,迎来了充满希望的2013年。刚刚过去的2012年是极不平凡的一年,中国有色金属工业第六冶金建设有限公司致力抢市场、强管理、降成本、控风险,提升经营业绩,突破结构调整,实现了较好较快发展。2012年,公司签订施工合同、实现营业收入、利润总额等各项经济指标均超额完成年度目标。公司进一步强化“大市场、大客户、大项目”的经营理念,建立适应长远发展的经营模式,在冶炼、民建、公路、市政等行业市场均取得良好业绩。一年来,公司通过强化与客户的沟通和协调、开展劳动竞赛等措施,有序推进近500项在建工程施工。尤其是施工的山东兖矿目前全球最大吨位的150兆牛铝挤压生产线、中孚40万吨铝加工等项目受到业界广泛关注和高度评价。加强科技创 With the victory of the old songs, pride and passion are welcome in the New Year! With the fame of the 18th CPC National Congress, we have taken away the fruitful year 2012 and ushered in a promising year of 2013. The just past 2012 is an extraordinary year. China Nonferrous Metals Industry No. 6 Metallurgical Construction Co., Ltd. is committed to grab the market, strengthen management, reduce costs, control risks, improve business performance, break through structural adjustment and achieve better and faster development of. In 2012, the Company signed the construction contract and achieved all annual economic targets, such as operating income and total profit, exceeding the annual target. The Company further strengthened its business philosophy of “big market, big client and big project” and established a business model that adapts to long-term development. The company achieved good results in the smelting, civil construction, highway and municipal industries. In the past year, the Company has pushed forward the construction of nearly 500 construction projects in an orderly manner through such measures as strengthening communication and coordination with customers and carrying out labor competitions. In particular, the construction of Shandong Yankuang currently the world’s largest tonnage of 150 megabits aluminum extrusion line, 400,000 tons of Zhongfu aluminum processing projects by the industry widespread concern and spoke highly of. Strengthen science and technology
目前对重型病毒性肝炎(重肝)的病因学研究较多,而有关诱因的报道较少。为此,本文对我院住院的重肝病例进行了回顾性调查,以明确重肝发生的诱因,并提出相应的预防对策。1 资
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目的 :研究百草枯 (PQ)、硫丹 (ES)对C5 7BL小鼠脑内多巴胺 (DA)能与乙酰胆碱 (ACh)能损害的比较。方法 :给小鼠喂食PQ、MPTP、ES ,观其行为变化 ,并结合放射自显影测小鼠大
一个艳阳天,初学书法的小五跟爸爸一起去参观故宫博物院。天真烂漫的小五看到爸爸正在欣赏着什么,就跑过去凑热闹。“爸爸,这是什么啊?瞧你都看入迷了。”爸爸有些激动地说:“你瞧,这可是我们的珍贵国宝,是存世最早的名人法书真迹,西晋时候的陆机写的《平复帖》。你也来看看,写得多么漂亮啊!”  小五跑来一看:“这也叫漂亮啊?我看是哪家小朋友的涂鸦吧?比我写的好不到哪里去。”爸爸笑呵呵地说:“你还别说,这个跟‘
本规程系根据原电力工业部电力规划设计总院电规计 [1 995 ]1 8号文“关于下达 1 995年度电力勘测设计科研、标准化、信息计划项目的通知” ,由华北电力设计院为主编单位对原