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随着现代飞机的增大和落速的增加,要求发展优良的刹车摩擦材料。一般飞机用刹车装置由外缘带缺口的摩擦盘(动片)和内缘带缺口的摩擦盘(静片)组成,静片与中心定位轴相匹配。当刹车动作起始时,轴向力使动片和静片压在一起,两者相互接触,通过摩擦起到刹车作用。在刹车过程中,当摩擦盘接触之后,由于摩擦制动作用,刹车片内将产生严重的环向应力,从而在刹车片承受应力的缺口部位产生破坏;此外,摩擦将使机械能部分地转化为热能,因而刹车片应当能承受高温和重大的环向应力。对于飞机刹车片来说,重量轻也是重要条件之一。炭类材料具有良好的高温强发,良好的热性能,包括高的热容和导热系数;低的摩擦系数;良好的高温稳定性;密度低,比强度高。采用炭纤维增强的炭复合材料,其强度和比强 With the increase of modern aircraft and falling speed, the development of excellent brake friction materials is required. General aircraft brake device from the outer edge of the gap with the friction plate (moving piece) and the inner edge of the gap with the friction plate (static film), the static film and the central positioning axis to match. When the start of the braking action, the axial force so that the moving piece and the static pressure together, the two contact with each other, through the friction play a brake. In the braking process, when the friction plate contacts, due to friction braking, the brake pads will have a serious hoop stress, resulting in brake pads exposed to the stress of the notched part of the damage; In addition, the friction will make mechanical energy partially converted into Heat, and therefore brake pads should withstand high temperatures and significant hoop stress. For the aircraft brake pads, light weight is also one of the important conditions. Carbon materials have good high temperature strong hair, good thermal properties, including high heat capacity and thermal conductivity; low coefficient of friction; good high temperature stability; low density, high specific strength. Carbon fiber reinforced carbon composite material, its strength and specific strength
研究了四种碳(石墨)/铝复合材料经R.T~450℃温度区间热循环之后拉伸强度的变化。结合扫描电镜的断口分析,对界面结合强度与拉伸强度的关系进行了定性的讨论。 The tensile st
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本文借助于x射线粉末衍射法、金相观察和化学分析法研究了Al-Mg-Sm三元合金相图的400℃等温截面,它包括15个单相区、27个二相区和13个三相区,未发现三元金属间化合物。 In t