
来源 :液压与气动 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cmz
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本文提出了一种新型气液缸和气液位置伺服系统。该系统采用气液连动控制,充分发挥液压与气动各自的优点,大大提高了位置控制精度。对气液缸的两种采用不同密封的结构进行实验研究,结果表明,不同的密封件直接影响着气液缸的性能 This paper presents a new type of gas cylinder and gas-liquid position servo system. The system uses gas-liquid linkage control, give full play to the advantages of hydraulic and pneumatic, greatly improving the position control accuracy. Two kinds of gas cylinders with different seal structure were studied experimentally, the results show that different seals directly affect the performance of the gas cylinder
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