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岁月穿梭的60年中,往事并不如烟,点点难忘的事历历在目,种种不同的人铭记心中,泛黄的老照片讲述着60年来的林林总总,记录着每个人不平凡的人生之旅。当我们收回回望的目光,放眼眺望前方,一座座新标志性建筑物衬映着温州城,塑造起我们现在美好的生活。我们将时间定格在新中国60周年这个日子,用相机和铜板纸记录下这城市众多新标志物中的其中几处,让她们代表不断变化中的温州城的风貌,在淌洋于这个美好家园里尽情享受来之不易美好生活的同时,甩开膀子迈开大步,继续向前行,建设一个更加宜人宜居的城市,创造一个更富裕更强大的中国。 In the 60 years of the shuttle, the past is not as good as the smoke. The unforgettable memories are vividly recorded. The memories of different people remember the old yellowed photos about the past 60 years and record everyone’s extraordinary journey of life. When we look back to look back and look ahead, a new landmark building lined with Wenzhou City, shaping our beautiful life now. We set the time on the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China and record some of the city’s many new landmarks with cameras and copper paper so that they represent the changing landscape of Wenzhou City, While enjoying hard-won and beautiful life in the same time, he will take a big step forward and continue to move forward to build a more livable city and create a wealthier and more powerful China.
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